Thursday, 14 March 2019

Newest Godly Message on Why has government gone against agreed plans of the majority to allow Britain to leave Europe.

My Newest Godly Message on Why has government gone against agreed plans of the majority to allow Britain to leave Europe.

Page 160

Please note that a car drove into my bike causing me to end up in hospital from November 2017 to July 2018 with expectancy that I would die but some-how I came back to life again. I have been seriously unwell and I cannot understand why I can write as it seems the only thing I can do at the moment. However, I find I can do this.

My life is now completely messed up but I am left with the main realisation only that God loves me and has a lot of writing for me still to do.

I can see that many people do not believe in God. The government for example, but I have had an experience of the living God which I know is true. This should never be denied.

But, if denied it shows a nonsense reaction by mere people of the Earth. I now know something much more real which all people would do far better to believe.

I have gradually been able to write a lot since about September 2018 and although I am able to write I have and am still suffering a lot. At least I can write. Of all things I have not regained to do, I have at the age of 60 found I can at least write. It is this that gives me more confidence to reveal what I know to be true and that the bible is (more and more) showing it can be relied upon as true.

Why and how can Britain reject the vote to leave the EU when most people have voted us to leave? Are we not allowed to vote or is someone else in charge of us?  Do they want us to keep voting until they win. What would they say then? Oh..they voted us in.

That is ridiculous because a nation can never be a real nation if votes like that can stand. Is it true that we are a separate country or a poor needle country awaiting a vote they want. They then say, we won finally to prove we are right, when we didn't? I can see from the bible that God wants Britain to leave Europe and regain Godly strength and great free promises again.

Our leaving Europe should be a great healing to the whole country, and without it, we will fall out of any future blessing and become more nothing than we have ever experienced before. This rejection of leaving,

A Prophetic Warning Of Apostasy Given in 1965, Now Fulfilled

Monday, 1 February 2010

Page 158

I have removed this prophecy after receiving wise advice.

However, I have left the comments here, as the discussion highlights some important points.
Posted by John Chingford at 12:05 am 8 comments

Update On Watchman Reporter Mike Hoggard

Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Previous contents removed on 23 July 2012

Page 157

Edited 12 Jan 2011
I should have done this some time ago but had forgotten I had written this article.

Please exercise caution when listening to Mike Hoggard because he has some very questionable ideas bordering on cultish ideas eg that only the KJV is inspirational and contains bible codes. I could say much about that, but just suffice to say that finding hidden meaning via codes etc is surely bordering on the occult?

However, Mike is very informative on a number of issues that we all need to be aware on. 

But, you do not need to watch HIM for that information because the same information can be found elsewhere on more sound sites. However, if you insist in listening/watching him PLEASE be wary and as always weigh it up with reliable versions of the scriptures by comparing them with each other (NIV, KJV, NKJV, NASB).

I can no longer endorse his site though. This is why I did not advise (any more) of all his updates. Please see the comments within the Article 

Especially start reading from this link Comments Re Mike Hoggard
Posted by John Chingford at 12:13 am

Why We Should Trust The Bible As True and Inspired Part 2

Friday, 19 February 2010

Page 156

The purpose of this post is for those who want to know why the bible can be fully trusted as the inspired Word of God. It sets out to prove it is The Word of God and therefore should be trusted when it talks about mankind's need for salvation from a corrupt sinful nature and that salvation can be found through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This post has now been replaced on 5 Sep 2010 by this improved article. Please click this following link to take you there.
How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God
Posted by John Chingford at 3:18 pm

Why We Should Trust The Bible As True and Inspired Part 1

Friday, 19 February 2010

Page 155

The purpose of this post is for those who want to know why the bible can be fully trusted as the inspired Word of God. It sets out to prove it is The Word of God and therefore should be trusted when it talks about mankind's need for salvation from a corrupt sinful nature and that salvation can be found through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This post has now been replaced on 5 Sep 2010 by this improved article. Please click this following link to take you there.
How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God

Posted by John Chingford at 4:03 pm

Mike Hoggard Latest News Update

Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Edited 23 July 2012 

Page 154

I should have done this some time ago but had forgotten I had written this article. Please exercise caution when listening to Mike Hoggard because he has some very questionable ideas bordering on cultish ideas eg that only the KJV is inspirational and contains bible codes. I could say much about that, but just suffice to say that finding hidden meaning via codes etc is surely bordering on the occult? However, Mike is very informative on a number of issues that we all need to be aware on. However, you do not need to watch HIM for that information because the same information can be found elsewhere on more sound sites. However, if you insist in listening/watching him PLEASE be wary and as always weigh it up with reliable versions of the scriptures by comparing them with each other (NIV, KJV, NKJV, NASB).

A Call For Prayer And Action Civil Marriages

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Page 153

Lord Alli's Amendment to the Equality Bill, enabling Civil Partnerships to take place in Churches was rushed through the House of Lords last week. If it stands, this change in law will be used to pressurise Churches into holding Civil Partnerships (ie gay marriages) contrary to the teaching of the Bible.
Posted by John Chingford at 12:56 pm

Connecting True Biblical Christians Together In Fellowship

Thursday, 1 April 2010
Addition 2nd April 2011 (just this first paragraph)

Page 152

Please click on this shortcut link  Last Days Bible Inspired Christian Fellowship. New Venture Launched   It is an article pointing to a new venture commenced 1st April 2011 hoping to create strong fellowships internationally, capable of facing the persecutions and deceptions of these last days.

Older Article:
New venture 
Christian fellowships which preach unadulterated Biblical teaching (without mixed in leaven) and do not entertain false unity, via the compromising ecumenical movement, is hard to find in these days. It is becoming increasingly

Interesting News Items From Yahoo

Sunday, 20 June 2010
Please read these interesting articles from yahoo news, via these links:

Page 151

1) The first one regards expected solar activity in a few years time. Could this be as prophesied in the Bible (Revelation)? However, we must always remember that God IS in control of all universal events and His judgements are irrespective of scientific discoveries. But, it could be that God has already put in place the motions of these judgements ahead of time????  But, He could still intervene!!!

2) The second one illustrates how

Quick Notification

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Page 150

I have spent most of the last week making many changes throughout my blog. One of the reasons was because I noticed that links were pointed to the home page instead of to the specific articles. I have gone through every article ensuring that the shortcut links were redirecting correctly and adding many more new shortcut links to improve your enjoyment of this blog and help you surf it far better. Please let me know if you spot anything I missed or any other problem you experience. I am here to assist.

While I was going through the articles I realised that a lot of them required editing. So I have made many changes including adding additional information.
Posted by John Chingford at 7:53 am
Labels: Miscellaneous

Prayer Request Roger Oakland and Jacob Prasch

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Updated 19 Nov 2010. Please click this link for up to date news on Jacob's deteriorating health and details of his need to modify his present itinerary  Urgent Announcement Regarding Jacob Prasch

Page 149

I have been informed that both Roger and Jacob are in poor health at the moment. The work they do can be so stressful at times because of their huge opposition which is often extremely nasty and undeserved. In some cases is persecutory. Their workload can also be very draining. I do not know exactly what their ill health is at the moment, but I do know that Jacob had heart problems a year ago and (but for Divine intervention) would have died.

Please pray that God would cause them

Can we Really Love Each Other In The Way Jesus Commanded?

Monday, 1 February 2010

Jesus commanded us to Love One Another!

Page 148

“A new commandment I  give to you, that you love one 
another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another”.  John 13:34

Jesus said that without Him we can do nothing and that we need to abide in Him.

We know that whatever we do, if we do it in our own strength we will fail.  However, Paul says that “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” Phil 4:13. The New testament letters are full of verses which talk about the strength/power we have  through the Holy Spirit within us.

Regarding practicing love, the fruit

Powerful Videos From Paul Washer (Revised 18 May 2010)

Thursday, 11 February 2010
Edited 7 Aug 2012

Page 147

Revised 18 May 2010, added more videos.

Section Edited 7 Aug 2012 (in bold)
I have now removed some of these videos by Paul Washer. Should have been some time ago, but only just remembered about them.  I have removed them because of his "Lordship Salvation" stance which borders on a "works" salvation. I am not an expert on "LS" but have learnt sufficient to know that I cannot endorse those videos any longer. However, I have left the next one because it exposes the apostate condition of the modern church. 

Video by Paul Washer on God's 10 Indictments against the "modern" church

Here is what I originally wrote back in 2010. I have since changed some of my views based upon further study of the Bible,  as you will be able to gather within my article

Old message:
I know there are some who would want to get into debate on

Ecumenical Christian Organisations and New-Age Christian Organisations To Avoid

Friday, 5 March 2010

Ecumenical Christian Organisations and New-Age Christian Organisations To Avoid

Edited 12 Dec 2010

Page 146

I have stated many times on my blog (information gathered from reputable sources, through much research and investigation) and has been stated by many respected Christian leaders that Ecumenism should be avoided.

Why? Because it compromises and "waters down" true Christian, biblical teaching and faith. It is "leaven that leavens the whole lump" and corrupts the true church of God. Ecumenism has also introduced  new-age influences (which have occultic origins). The force behind the ecumenical movement is the Vatican whom controls it. Click here for article which proves this - especially the vatican's ecumenical links. They introduce

Further Information About The Purpose Of This Blog

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Page 145

The reason I set up my blog was mostly for the purpose as stated on the heading (mission statement) of my blog; ie, to be informative etc,  "keep" to the point,  not get side-tracked,  nor publish anything conflicting to these purposes, trying not to confuse the readers.

Please bear in mind that the main aim of this blog is NOT to be conversationary (although I am happy to get into edifying conversation) but to equip and inform and edify. However, if anyone has something to share which helps improve the information and is complementary (and complimentary) of the Mission Statement, I am happy to publish it.

 When I publish slightly edited versions I do not change what the person has said, I may tone

The Two Babylons. First Was Old Babylon and It's Religion. Then Came a Christianised Babylonic Empire

Monday, 15 March 2010
Edited 29th March 2013 (Edited part in bold - at bottom)

Page 144
Please click on the link to download the whole book.   This book shows from historical evidence how the catholic system has hijacked the old Babylonic religion into their form of Christianity and actually reinvented or reintroduced the old Babylonic religion with "christian" titles. 

Please note that there may be some controversial interpretations by the author of which I (myself) may question some things, but there is enough strong evidential information which is convincing and CONCLUSIVE! I have checked out some of his historical info. on other sites (Christian and secular) to see if it is true. I have found these other sites do say the same things. It is noticeable that the only sites which try to rubbish his comments are catholic sites.

I have already written articles on

Information On The Seeker-Friendly Movement and Its Links, Why It Arose and How It Has Fallen From Biblical Christianity

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Page 143

This article is like a supplement to
Why We Should Reject Rick Warren's Purpose Driven and PEACE Agenda
 (please click)  which presents the foundation and history behind Rick Warren and Purpose Driven. In other words it gives an insight into why/how things developed into what we see now and presents scriptural rebuttels to what they preach.  This article will be developed as/when I have time. However, I feel I need to post something for the meanwhile, so that we all may be alerted and pass on to others.

Later I will write comparing scripture with what the New Age inspired Seeker-friendly churches, Purpose Driven, Emerging Churches  preach and the main players behind this movement and the facts behind why they are new age.

Just for now I will say

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Disclaimer And Why

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Page 142

As unbelievers or those of other religions may (from time to time) stumble in here,  it is time for me to clarify the purpose of this site and to write a disclaimer, which includes who it is for and its intentions, so that (hopefully) there will be no cause for angst or confusion.
Please first refer to these explanatory posts, by clicking on these links:
Last Days Watchman Introduction (and Ground Rules Of This Blog) Revised 6th Mar 2010

I want to reiterate that the blog is aimed primarily for true born-again believers, giving information which will equip them in their ministry as believers and in their witness to unbelievers. However, although it is primarily for believers, if unbelievers enter into this site you are very welcome too. You should find

British Government Supports Homosexual Lifestyle ABOVE Christians

Monday, 28 February 2011
Please check out this shortcut link which is a news report from BBC internet news: This is the heading

Court backs decision to bar Christian foster couple

Page 141

The story goes on to say that the judges considered that laws to protect homosexuals from discrimination should take precedent over Christians rights of the same protection. So in UK, Christians are being treated as inferior to homosexuals regarding their rights.

I encourage us all to pray for God's intervention and protection of His children throughout the Earth. Christians are NOW being persecuted (in one way or another) throughout the whole Earth. All I can say is MARANATHA. Come Lord Jesus! Please intervene by your return and bring in your Lordship Millennial reign, as this world is falling apart into greater and greater sin.

Britain (like most Western Nations) is falling further and further into moral decay and thereby becoming ripe for God's judgement. Remember how God judged Sodom and Gomorrah and the wickedness at the time of Noah? 

God NEVER changes and His standards of

  Please now start using, my new much larger Blog , Equals: Thanks. See you there