Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Answers To Questions On Why Emerging Church Teaching Should Be Rejected
Originally Posted July 2010, Now Showing as 12 Oct 2010 But Revised and Updated 27 Oct 2010
This article is a supplement to a previous article. Please click on this following shortcut link to read it:
Showing Why The (Experiential) Emerging Church Christianity is Apostate, Pagan, Babylonic and Catholic
You will notice that someone wrote some excellent comments with questions. They asked why was the Emerging church wrong and why it is considered Catholic. I would like to show the dialogue so that all readers can see what the issues are and the answers as to why Brian McLaren's Emerging Church teaching should be rejected.
First of all, though, I would also like to give you a link to a video from Roger Oakland of Calvary Chapel. He gives a very powerful message exposing what the Emerging Church really is and its very dark roots http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2354082808894087473# Anyway, here is the dialogue I mentioned above, as follows:
Sam said :
Ancient Future methodology of worship (when practiced truthfully) is firmly grounded in scripture?
Incense, candles, meditative hymns were all a part of God's design for the temple and He was meticulous in giving Moses details of what He wanted.
My Reply:
My articles relate to
Brian McLaren’s corruptive preaching and the Emerging Church he is trying to pioneer. Rather than get into the accuracy of incense, candles and hymns in the temple, I want to focus my answer on why the Christian church should not practice those things as we are NOW under a different dispensation of the new covenant and not the old. The NT book of Hebrews, Romans, Galatians etc highlight that the New Covenant is a far better way because we no longer need to earn our salvation as the price has been paid in full. “We are no longer under Law but under grace”.
Hebrews teaches that the practices in the tabernacle followed on by the temple, were totally symbolic of Jesus and therefore it was necessary to be extremely meticulous over the practices. The sacrifices, incense, dress code etc were all temporary procedures until everything was fulfilled in Jesus. Everything pointed to Jesus being the High Priest, King and Mediator.
It illustrates the blood of Jesus etc etc. We are told in Hebrews and other NT books that the way to the Father has been made available to each and everyone of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The veil was torn from top to bottom to show the way into God’s presence is freely available for everyone who put their trust in Jesus. It says that we can boldly approach the throne of Grace, through the NEW and living way that has been opened unto us.
The old has passed away behold the new has come. We no longer need symbolic worship because we have the REAL person to worship without incence etc.
Incense, candles, meditative hymns were all a part of God's design for the temple and He was meticulous in giving Moses details of what He wanted.
My Reply:
My articles relate to
Brian McLaren’s corruptive preaching and the Emerging Church he is trying to pioneer. Rather than get into the accuracy of incense, candles and hymns in the temple, I want to focus my answer on why the Christian church should not practice those things as we are NOW under a different dispensation of the new covenant and not the old. The NT book of Hebrews, Romans, Galatians etc highlight that the New Covenant is a far better way because we no longer need to earn our salvation as the price has been paid in full. “We are no longer under Law but under grace”.
Hebrews teaches that the practices in the tabernacle followed on by the temple, were totally symbolic of Jesus and therefore it was necessary to be extremely meticulous over the practices. The sacrifices, incense, dress code etc were all temporary procedures until everything was fulfilled in Jesus. Everything pointed to Jesus being the High Priest, King and Mediator.
It illustrates the blood of Jesus etc etc. We are told in Hebrews and other NT books that the way to the Father has been made available to each and everyone of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The veil was torn from top to bottom to show the way into God’s presence is freely available for everyone who put their trust in Jesus. It says that we can boldly approach the throne of Grace, through the NEW and living way that has been opened unto us.
The old has passed away behold the new has come. We no longer need symbolic worship because we have the REAL person to worship without incence etc.
- Hello John
Your reply to Sam is 'spot on'. When I read his comment I groaned, bless him, so keen yet so deceived and 'captured' by mans dead philosophy, like too many others.
God bless
Hello Sam
Col.2:8,9 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form…
2Cor.12:9a And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you…
Eph.1:17-23 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, MAY GIVE YOU (Sam)a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and ABOVE EVERY NAME THAT IS NAME, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
And He put all things under His feet and gave Him as Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the FULLNESS of Him who fills All in All.
God bless you
Sue - Thanks EI for your valuable contribution. I have also posted a copy of your comment (hope that's ok) to the original posting about the Emerging Church.
God bless - Hello John
I wanted to share some of the encouragement and teaching I have been having via Pastor Bob Hoektsra regarding the Emergent emergency. I found him via The Blue Letter Bible.
The Pastor has done a set of messages free to download from his own site.
Click on ‘Teachings’.
Then Messages.
Click on the third down from the top ‘Emerging Church’ (in four parts.)
They have to be downloaded to hear them.
Within his messages on ‘Contending for the Faith’ is -
‘The Psychologizing of the Church’.
This goes hand in glove with the Purpose Driven and Emergent heresy.
Also really valuable is ‘Counselling God’s Way’ for the same reason.
Please take a look,I have found it really helpful. He also has a talk on 'Promise Believers' a Biblical answer against 'Promise Keepers'.
Another Pastor, Bob Dewaay on ‘Olive Tree’ with Jan Markell, explained that Purpose Driven and Emergent/ Emerging are two ‘movements’, both with their roots in the same mire and both teach ‘another gospel’.
I am slow, but I am gradually getting a better grip on this particular part of the end time apostasy.
Every blessing in Jesus - keep keeping on!