Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Last Days Watchman and Watchman For Jesus now closed. New address is lastdayswatchmanblog.wordpress.com

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I have been made to open a new blog as old one is no longer working perfectly. My old messages there, can still be read but will not accept newer messages nor outside messages. Therefore, I have needed to open a new blog. All new messages can be left there and I can add messages, so that is why I have new one.

Please still read old mail but send your replies to my new blog address.

My new address is lastdayswatchmanblog.wordpress.com.

So, if we can use all my emails (old and new) we will develop together really well but will need to communicate with each other on my new address, so please still use everything. The old for reading and the new to communicate.

  Please now start using, my new much larger Blog , Equals: lastdayswatchmanblog.wordpress.com Thanks. See you there