I am near to my close
death but am still alive. I now know that the living God is real and alive, for us
Page 174
I can now prove this more actually than ever before, due to my
experience of God whilst nearly dead and even more so now.
My last
message before my illness was number 158. Since my illness my last message is
now 173 although am now having problems with numbering as some messages seem to
get deleted, so there are a few added numbers now to save better since 158.
Although this
happens, I do not lose messages, as all my messages are saved in an extra place
on my computer. This is in case I lose any John Chingford messages. If I get
them lost, they can be copied again from this extra place.
I am still
confident in most of the things I wrote about before my accident, as they are
now becoming more real to me, so please read my first 158 messages again. I have
noticed that these are actually very important and filled with information I
gained from a number of very good knowledgeable people.
So then, what
do I now know, due to my new experience.
Before, I
used to read the bible with real belief but with a fair bit of wondering about
the truth. Now, I have a much greater faith when I read the bible and know much
more what is true, than ever before.
I have a much greater knowledge of the reality of the living God and know that He is alive as I have a much greater faith. Now (much more) want people to know these things.
I have a much greater knowledge of the reality of the living God and know that He is alive as I have a much greater faith. Now (much more) want people to know these things.
My big
question is how I cannot remember a lot of things about my life and feel almost
dead, but somehow God has given me greater knowledge of Him to speak about Him, although there are many things I cannot do at the moment, but I can read.
I can also understand the Bible and understand God much more than ever. How can that be? We can all guess God's ways and I have heard many of these guesses, but none of them add up. They show me that people who have not gone through my experience can always just guess using just imperfect thoughts about my experience.
I can also understand the Bible and understand God much more than ever. How can that be? We can all guess God's ways and I have heard many of these guesses, but none of them add up. They show me that people who have not gone through my experience can always just guess using just imperfect thoughts about my experience.
I can see
that no-one will ever know what I have experienced unless they have my same
experience. As everyone is different it is very difficult for any two people to
go through exactly the same events, so how can anyone really know.
I do however know, that all I can only do at the moment is write and hear from God, but hardly anything at all can I now do at the moment. So, my experience is amazing about God.
I do however know, that all I can only do at the moment is write and hear from God, but hardly anything at all can I now do at the moment. So, my experience is amazing about God.
on, I can now understand the book of Revelation and get very blessed by the
things said there, and even more than any other book in the Bible. I will write later much about this book, but for now will touch upon that book slightly through a lot of similar messages.
Why can that
happen to me to understand such a difficult book so easily? This is because we who are now living are actually much closer to the events happening in that book. We need to understand what is being said, to understand this book much more clearly. My books now speaks a lot about these events which are very eye opening. I now reveal some of these things.
Why can that
happen to me to understand such a difficult book so easily? This is because we who are now living are actually much closer to the events happening in that book. We need to understand what is being said, to understand this book much more clearly. My books now speaks a lot about these events which are very eye opening. I now reveal some of these things.
I can point
you to some of the articles I printed on the web some time ago as your eyes can
also be opened once you notice that we are in those days now.
These pages are as I truly see things, and are a good example of how I now see a lot of this. I now post a lot of these things and desire these pages to be read, to help you all immensely understand how I particularly view these points. These now show things very clearly.
These pages are as I truly see things, and are a good example of how I now see a lot of this. I now post a lot of these things and desire these pages to be read, to help you all immensely understand how I particularly view these points. These now show things very clearly.
The following were all the messages I posted between 2010 to 2016 related to this specific subject I am discussing here.
I know you are able to open the first addressed writings which appear in purple, so please be blessed by them.
I know you are able to open the first addressed writings which appear in purple, so please be blessed by them.
How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The
Inspired Inerrant Word Of God
Two Babylons. First Was Old Babylon and It's Religion. Then Came a
Christianised Babylonic Empire
The End Of the World Take Place on 21st December 2012?
GIANT Global Conspiracy and the Scheme Of Things, Who Is In Control?
Carrying Most Comments as at 30 November 2011
This shows
a lot of different articles on one page.
Our Experiences More Important In Our Christian Faith Than knowing Him through
His Word?
We Seeing True Church Revival In These Last Days
That the Last Days (as Reported In The Bible) Are Here NOW
God Demonstrating His Love For Israel By Judging Nations Who Oppose Them? See
this Video
To Study The Bible and Why. Learning How To Avoid Deception
Rebuttal To Muslims False Claim That Matthew Cannot Be Trusted
These days Of Apostasy and False Christianity, Should We Still Attend Apostate
to Get Close To God, Pray and Walk with Him In These Last Days
HAS Given Us Freewill. It IS Revealed In The Bible.
The Doctrine "Salvation Requires Continuing Works To Get To Heaven"
Is a SERIOUS Heresy
To Disprove the Evolution of Dinosaurs into Birds
That Global Conditions (After Noah's Flood) Led To Ice Age
Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Passover Cup? The Mystery Truth Revealed
That Adam and Noah Really Did Live over 900 Years of Age
Parents White Baby. Black/White Twins. Two Stories Which Give Further Evidences
Bible Can Be Trusted
The Olive Tree of Romans11 Represents and How it Speaks of God's Plan For
Israel and the Church
Chapter 9 DOES NOT Disprove Freewill but Actually Reinforces It. Looking At The
Context Of The WHOLE Book of Romans
is NOW Sending Us a Last Warning that the Rapture of the Church, Followed By
the Great Tribulation Is VERY Close at Hand. Strong Evidence Given
To Be Truly Saved and Be Certain Of Going To Heaven
True Believers Are Eternally Secure In Their Salvation
Jesus Is The ONLY Way To Heaven and How To Be Saved
The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of
Rapture and End Times Stance
Carbon Dating Actually Prove Creation, A Young Earth and a Global Noah's Flood
The Beast With Seven Heads and Ten Horns and The Woman Riding The Beast.extra
For The Creation Model and For Speedy Evolution Process
Dinosaurs Do Not Disprove, But Actually Prove the Bible
That Neandertal Men and Cavemen Lived In Bible Times and were human
Please if
you are able to, advise me how you feel on these.
Thought provoking...