Thursday, 13 November 2014
God is NOW Sending Us a Last Warning that the Rapture of the Church, Followed By the Great Tribulation Is VERY Close at Hand. Strong Evidence Given
Page 36
The purpose of this article is to illustrate why the last 7 years before the return of Jesus could commence any day now and therefore that we need to make ourselves ready NOW.
Note: the section "feast of trumpets" was edited on 17th & 23rd Nov 2014.
Please also read the following articles alongside this one note: this article has now just been completely revamped with many changes due to the many errors discovered and to reflect what I now know to be true as at 14th November 2014 17.45 GMT.
The bible tells us that the last 7 years aka the Great tribulation (mixed with the judgements of God) will precede the Second Coming, but these 7 years may not necessarily commence immediately from the day of the rapture, but from the signing of the 7 year peace treaty ("covenant of death") between Israel and the antichrist.
Jesus told us that
there would be signs pointing to the lead up to those days indicating when those days are likely to start. This article will not predict a date, but it will show that the signs Jesus was referring to are now here, so the rapture could happen at any time now.
This article will show how the rapture is likely to happen just before or during the very next event on the prophetical calendar. I am referring to the Psalm 83 prophecy which could have the commencement of its fulfilment any day now (when we consider recent events in that area). This prophecy has never been fulfilled in the way described and by these specific limited numbers of nations (if we use 21st century equivalent names). By the way, it is not possible for the Gog and Magog wars (described in Ezekiel 38 and 39) to take place UNTIL the Psalm 83 war has first ended because it relates to the aftermath of Psalm 83. More on that later.
Signs in the heavens
In Genesis chapter 1 (first book and chapter of the Bible) verses 14-15 ‘Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth” ’
The sun, moon and stars were not JUST to give light, days and years, but ALSO for signs and seasons. In a number of places through the Bible and through history we see momentous occasions when these bodies stand out specifically as signs of these events. Also, they dictate when specific seasons are upon us and when God’s specific feasts are at hand (which always paint a picture of Jesus [past, present and future] ). More on that later – especially regarding the feast of trumpets and tabernacles and how the phrase “as to the day and hour knoweth no man” fits in.
This article will
investigate if the expected tetrad, (4 blood moons during 2014 to 2015) total solar eclipse in March 2015 and partial solar eclipse in September 2015 are a sign heralding that a Divine event is about to happen very soon.
Note: a solar eclipse is expected to take place on September 13th 2015 on the Jewish feast of trumpets and the 4th blood moon will be seen in Jerusalem on the same day as the start of the feast of tabernacles on September 28th 2015. Such a (natural) event is not expected for another 500 years afterwards, i.e, one which again coincides with these Jewish feasts.
Jesus (referring to the restoration of Israel in 1948) said that THAT generation – the one NOW, would not pass away until all these things were fulfilled. It has to be THIS tetrad, not one in 500 years time. We are living in a significant time in which the promised restoration of Jerusalem to Israel after the desolation of MANY generations (2000 years) has been witnessed by us all. It is THIS generation that will witness all these things (not in 500 years). Note that there has only been 7 previous tetrads which have taken place during Jewish feasts in more than 2000 years, ie very rare. In every single one of those other events something significant has happened regarding Israel or the Jews.
Therefore, this tetrad and the solar eclipses could be heralding something extremely significant NOW (especially as the next one is not due for 500 plus years - Israel is already a nation again, so the next one is irrelevant) and could be one or more of these following events (not necessarily in this order):
• The rapture
• the impending fulfilment of Psalm 83
• the extension of Israel’s borders
• Gog and Magog wars (Ezekiel 38 to 39)
• The end of Islam and atheism
• Revealing of the antichrist and false prophet
• 7 year peace treaty of death
• building the third temple
• Globalisation of Mystery Babylon (as shown in this other article)
• Time of Jacob’s trouble
• The fall of Babylon the Great
• Armageddon
This article will not cover all of the above, but will mostly focus on why we should be expecting the rapture at any moment NOW in the light of the heavenly signs and the signs of the times. Jesus said (in the light of the signs He was referring to) that “when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near”. This article will not go beyond events leading up to the global conquest of Mystery Babylon.
What Are These Recent Signs in the heavens heralding?
Mostly, whenever a vastly significant DIVINE appointed event (i.e. a momentous ACT of God) has or is about to happen which specifically affects Israel, God sends heavenly signs.
They normally herald one or more of the following: judgement, mercy, massively significant events and protection. They have also accompanied specific Jewish feast days. For example, there was a sign in the heavens to declare the birth of Jesus and during Passover when Jesus was on the cross (although the darkness of 3 hours, on this occasion, must have been a unique supernatural event as solar eclipses can only take place during a new moon -passover only takes place during a full moon and solar eclipses cannot last 3 hours).
All massive events surrounding Jesus and the church were fulfilments of the Jewish feasts and always took place at the same time as these feasts, such as Passover/Pesach (already mentioned), Pentecost/Shavuot and others. As it states in Colossians 2:16-17:
"regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ" ie Jesus fulfills all these feasts.
All that remain (unfulfilled) are the autumn feasts such as Feast of trumpets/Rosh Hashanah and Tabernacles/Sukkot.
Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:23-25)
This was the first of the Autumnal feasts (now known as Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year. It was also known as feast of ingathering as the harvest was reaped from the field.
See Exodus 23:14 and 16:
"Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year" (verse 14). The third feast being "and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field." (verse 16).
Notice gathered in from the field.
A shofar horn (trumpet) was blown to state that the new year had started. As I understand it, it sounded on the mountains as soon as the new moon was seen.
This feast was the only one that was held on the first day of a new moon. Most of you will know that just before the revealing of the new moon, the moon is totally invisible to the naked eye, so was impossible to determine the exact day/hour of the first day of the new moon, until a slither of light (from the sun) reflected onto the moon to reveal that the new month had started.
Therefore it was impossible to know (before the technology that we now have) the exact day or hour “as to that day or hour knoweth no man”. That phrase was a well known saying indicating the uncertainty of the timing of the feast and was the feast that Jesus was referring to when He made that statement.
During a solar eclipse, the suddenness of the revealing of the new moon at this feast was very stark in comparison with other new moons and was a special sign. We have been informed that there will actually be a solar eclipse at the feast of trumpets in 2015.
Even if that phrase was not relevant as an indication of knowing when to expect the rapture – certainly we should not be date setting, we should remember that when Jesus stated “no man knows the day or hour”, it was almost 2000 years ago. 1900 years plus needed to pass by before Israel even became a nation again. Clearly there would not be any signs of the rapture for a very long time, so was difficult to determine when it would happen at that time, i.e. around the year 30AD. However, we are very close now, so much easier to determine the signs and times in which we live and recognise that the rapture is very close.
The trumpet blasts meant different things: an announcement to prepare spiritually (to awaken), to assemble together, to get right with God and as a final last warning and to "look up"(last trump) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh Luke 21:28. Note that Luke was telling us that we should look up at the beginning of the tribulation and not at the end.
The last trump was also blown to commence a journey. We are told in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 that the last trump – the very last one calling the people of God together, resulting in the rapture.
Incidentally, we cannot use the trumpets blown by the angels in the book of Revelation as a guide to the last trump because the apostle Paul was not referring to those trumpet blasts (as the book of Revelation had not yet been written) but to the Jewish feast of trumpets and maybe also to the trumpets used by Joshua. Besides, the trumpets in Revelation are blown by the angels whereas the one mentioned by Paul is blown by the Lord Himself "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God" 1 Thes 4:16
Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-36)
The feast of tabernacles partially was fulfilled by Jesus in that His body represented the temple (dwelling place of God). John 1:14 declares “ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)”. Literally, he tabernacled amongst us. Special events in the eternal life of Jesus always took place on the exact dates of an appropriate Jewish feast. Therefore, it stands to reason that Jesus was born on the first day of Tabernacles. However, this feast has only partially been fulfilled because it was only for 33 years.
However, at the Second Coming, we will be in the presence of Jesus forever.
A blood moon (full moon) will take place at the Feast of Tabernacles (following the solar eclipse on the feast of trumpets) in 2015.
We are now in the shemittah (Shmita) sabbatical year. This is the 7th year in a 7 year cycle as recorded in Exodus 23:10-11 which will last until September 2015. The first year in another 7 year cycle will then begin (around the time of the day of atonement - possibly the very last one) and will last until the autumn of 2022, with the year 2021/22 being the next Shmita year.
Around the feast of Tabernacles in 2022 it will either be the start of a new 7 year cycle or could be the year of jubilee. (clickhere for an explanation regarding the next jubilee). The year of jubilee indicates a time when everything will be restored and Israel's debt paid in full and the start of the Millennium reign of Christ on the Earth. Notice how that significant number of 7 years keeps showing up and corresponds with the 70th year of Daniel - the last 7 years of the Great Tribulation, Daniel 9:25-27.
These combined events do sound extremely significant and could be that God is telling us that The Second Coming will be taking place in around 8 years time after the rapture event, especially if the rapture happens in 2015 (could be sooner, because Jesus left us with the impression of imminency).
The impending Fulfilment of Psalm 83 and the Rapture and Partial fall of Islam
Psalm 83 (NKJV):
“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones (hidden ones in KJV).
They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against You:
The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites; Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them;
They have helped the children of Lot. Selah
Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera, As with Jabin at the Brook Kishon, Who perished at En Dor, Who became as refuse on the earth.
Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna, Who said, “Let us take for ourselves The pastures of God for a possession.”
O my God, make them like the whirling dust, Like the chaff before the wind! As the fire burns the woods, And as the flame sets the mountains on fire, So pursue them with Your tempest, And frighten them with Your storm. Fill their faces with shame, That they may seek Your name, O LORD.
Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; Yes, let them be put to shame and perish, That they may know that You, whose name alone is the LORD, Are the Most High over all the earth.”
For an in depth study on this psalm, please watch and read these links:
When we consider the nations mentioned above and translate them into the country names they are known as today, i.e the immediate close neighbours of Israel: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, parts of Iraq, parts of Saudi Arabia, parts of Egypt, Palestinian occupied Gaza Strip) and what they are saying and match it in line with history, it is like we are reading todays newspaper written thousands of years ago. We are living in days when this could happen at any moment. What might finally trigger it off?
Could the plan of ISIS succeed in making that whole area an Islamic State governed by Sharia law by one government, and then attack Israel? Or could something else trigger it off. I believe that Psalm 83 gives us clues.
Psalm 83 mentions that Israel will defend itself in the same way that Gideon defeated the Midianites, ie with a very small (not exceedingly great) army. An example of this may have happened in 1967 but with a slightly different set of nations and a completely different outcome. It never resulted in peace for Israel nor an acknowledgement from Israel’s neighbours that Yahweh (not allah) is the Lord. Therefore, it is still to happen.
God used Gideon powerfully but also intervened by causing the Midianites to attack each other. Although clearly God intervened, the Israeli army were very active in the victory. These 300 soldiers were 400 times smaller than the Midianites. By the way, this will be completely different from the description of Israel’s victory over the hordes of Gog and Magog. Psalm 83 does not describe fire falling from heaven by direct Divine intervention, to destroy the enemies. But in Ezekiel 38 it DOES describe fire consuming the enemies without any fighting from Israel at all.
Psalm 83 ends with the result that a revival occurs because it is widely recognised that Yahwah (not allah) is the only true God.
That revival surely could not happen if the reason for Israel’s victory was because of their superior capabilties. It HAS to surely be because of Divine assistance and be of Gideon-esk proportions.
How could it be that the IDF would suddenly be so small? Could it be because something happened which made Israel unprepared to muster a decent sized army - such as the rapture?
Verse 3 implies that a rapture could take place as it uses the phrase “hidden ones”. In fact, if the confederacy attacked Israel, it could be because they may consider that allah had given them an open door to destroy Israel due to the aftermath of a chaos caused by the rapture with all other nations massively weakened by it. It is possible that Israel’s immediate neighbours will not be affected that much because they are Islamic states with the vast majority as muslims who obviously would not be raptured.
Whether the rapture takes place at this point or not, the net result of this war is that the strength of Islam in that area of the Middle East will be broken and a combined acceptance of Israel’s God (not yet an acceptance of Jesus, though) with Israel temporarily living in complete peace and security with its neighbouring peoples and without walls, with Israel’s borders extended up to Euphrates River. The Gog and Magog war does not include any of the nations mentioned in Psalm 83. That is because the geographical areas of these nations are now owned by Israel – probably ceasing to exist and no longer Islamic.
The Gog and Magog war ending Islam and atheism
After the Psalm 83 war, there will be a global hatred for Israel (even greater than there is now) because of their actions and a global demand for eliminating the Jews. In USA the support of evangelicals for Israel will cease due to many of these being taken in the rapture.
The hope is that all the Jews return to Israel and its subsequent destruction would solve the “Jewish problem” forever. The sudden and immediate economic growth of Israel through its extended borders and new found wealth through resources such as the newly discovered oil of recent years, peace and security and the global intolerable behaviour towards Jews, may be the reason why the Jews living outside of Israel will immediately return to Israel. This will then set the scene for the later Gog and Magog wars as described in Ezekiel 38 and 39.
Here is Ezekiel 38:8-12 which is addressing Gog of the Land of Magog (known today as Russia):
“After many days you will be visited. In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely.
You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”
‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’— to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land”
Notice the parts that are emboldened. That would suggest the peaceful aftermath after the completion of psalm 83 where Israel has extended its borders, possibly up to the Euphrates river and is no longer threatened by those nations it had just beaten who are now living in peace accepting the true God of Israel and rejecting Allah (as implied in psalm 83).
The nations who join the Russian hordes are: Persia, Cush and Put, Togarmah and Gomer. Today, these are widely recognised as being: Iran, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Armenia. Gomer is not so easy to identify, but is widely considered to be some of the old southern Soviet states and some of those Soviet states that now occupy Eastern Europe.
Most of those joining Russia (for other ulterior motives?) are from countries controlled by Islam (including countries from the Southern territories of the old Soviet Union) who have a vested interest in destroying Israel. Notice that none of the countries listed in Psalm 83 are involved. If they still existed as islamic countries, it is highly unlikely that they would not join in (as the inner circle surrounding Israel). Their non inclusion (in the Ezekiel 38 list) is further evidence that the war of Psalm 83 (as already discussed) had already ended.
By the way, Iran was made up of 2 countries (in Bible times) called Persia and Elam. In these days there is a growing Christian community in Iran which could be related to the Elam prophecy in Jeremiah 49 which infers a revival in Elam, whereas Persia is mentioned in Ezekiel 38. At the rapture, the muslims would remain. It would appear that the Islamic section of Iran are the ones who are involved with Gog. The reason that Iran does not attack Israel immediately during the Psalm 83 war is probably due to the impact caused by the rapture – just like with all the other outer countries (and the rest of the world) surrounding the outer ring of the Middle East.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 show us that Gog and his hordes will be defeated heavily on the mountains of Israel by DIVINE intervention. The end result of this war is that atheism and Islam will probably be totally broken forever because it states:
“Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.”’
Then chapter 39: 9 says “Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and bucklers, the bows and arrows, the javelins and spears; and they will make fires with them for seven years”
Seven years! That is the same length of time as the Great Tribulation period after the antichrist signs a treaty. Could it be that the Gog and Magog war will precede the 7 year tribulation period and the revealing of the antichrist in Rome and the rebuilding of the 3rd temple (with help from the antichrist)? I now deal with that subject next, in the added section).
Added section 4th Dec 2014 (revising my position regarding Gog and Magog War)
I have had to change my position regarding the timing of the Gog and Magog war after further study. The descriptions given in Ezekiel 38 to 39 would indicate that a lot of things would need to happen after the Psalm 83 war to bring the Jews to a place where they would feel secure, without walls and become unsuspecting of further hostilities. It would take at least a few years before they would feel settled and secure with some form of evidence to give them that security. I would suggest the "covenant of death" peace treaty with the (to be revealed) antichrist may bring them to that place.
The covenant of death would probably include a proviso of support for the rebuilding of the 3rd temple and may be because of Israel's sudden rise to a super power status with Israel (possibly) being the main source of oil supply for the whole world. This peace is likely to continue until late into the 7 year period at a point in which the antichrist turns the nations against Israel.
Therefore, I suggest that the Gog and Magog war takes place towards the end of the 7 years and not at the beginning. Those who say it must be at the beginning are those who try to reconcile the 7 years of fuel burning with the same 7 years. They say that the 7 years burning can only happen during the Tribulation period and can not take place during the Millennium reign of Christ.
I have investigated this. There are plenty of other scriptures which would support that the 7 years burning period could mark the first 7 years of the thousand years, in which swords will be turned into ploughshares etc. This tells us that there will be manufacturing and agriculture during the millennium. Therefore, why not using the weapons of warfare as fuel as well?
If you then read Ezekiel 38 and 39 again, it makes more sense that the Gog and Magog war (with subsequent Armageddon war) is at the end of the Tribulation. Especially if we consider that it states that the whole world will know that the Lord is God and the acceptance by Israel of their Messiah is indicated with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit which matches the account given in Zechariah from 12:4 through to 14:12. I would suggest that Ezekiel is actually discussing the Gog and agog War combined with the Armageddon War, which will take place close together.
If we place the war at the beginning, it would make no sense because Israel would NOT be in that position of final peace and honouring God, because there would still be the immediate threat afterwards of the antichrist tribulation (time of Jacobs trouble) against them. What is the point of saying that the whole world would acknowledge the Lord if immediately after doing that, they give their allegiance to the antichrist to fight against God and against Israel? It makes no sense. However, it makes perfect sense if we place the event at the very end.
As mentioned earlier, the nations mentioned in the Gog and Magog wars are primarily muslim nations. With the emergence and power of Babylon the Great and mystery Babylon, Islam will probably be united with them in one global religion, agreeing together to unite to destroy Israel. Note Israel will have recently become the only nation who have rejected the antichrist (after the antichrist desecrated the 3rd temple and proved to NOT be the messiah).
Globalisation of Mystery Babylon Before and After The Rapture
Alongside this section, please read my latest article as follows:
and the article “Explaining The Beast With Seven Heads and Ten Horns and The Woman Riding The Beast” by clickinghere
How would mystery Babylon the great emerge so quickly after the Psalm 83 war?
We have seen much evidence in the last 10 years, or so, how quickly the main stream protestant church has become ecumenical - joining forces with Rome. However, we are informed that Mystery Babylon is a united one world religion (no other religion) at the time of the antichrist. How could it happen so quickly?
Psalm 83 and the rapture gave us a clue.
As shown, Psalm 83 is the next major event on the biblical calendar, in which Israel's immediate neighbours will attack Israel and Israel will be victorious in the manner that Gideon was victorious. This would lead to Israel enlarging its borders with Islam ceasing to be an influence in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, most of Iraq, some of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Palestine, leading to peace in that geographical area, where these peoples will acknowledge that Israel’s God: Yahweh is the only true God (They will not, however, accept Jesus as their saviour, yet).
There are indications in Psalm 83 that the rapture will take place at this time: Note what it says in the KJV:
"They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones". The hidden ones could be related to those hidden in heaven after the rapture.
However, that will not lead to their salvation but to the speedy completion of Babylon the Great and global mystery religion controlled temporarily in Rome, by the antichrist.
The apostle Paul said "the mystery is already at work" and "after my departure wolves will come in". He was clearly referring to the catholic church fathers who brought n destructive heresy straight from Babylon through the gnostics.
Mystery Babylon flourished throughout the dark ages over parts of the Earth and will flourish again MUCH MORE in the latter days and this time totally globally. So, how will it flourish in such a massive way?
As shown above, if Islam and atheism is broken and the rapture has taken place for true believers who have not joined themselves to Rome, then who will be left? Those false ecumenical leaders who are trying to lead the true church back into Rome and all those who are not born again (in those churches) will be left behind.
Most of these ecumenical leaders (who are not converted after the rapture) will all totally join Rome as ONE totally global mystery Babylon religion, together with all other religions which first emanated out of Babylonic religion (incidentally, Islam, buddism, Hinduism etc all have their roots in Babylonic mysteries). This support will enable Vatican City to emerge very quickly with much more power than ever before - even more sinister than was experienced during the dark ages.
Actually, the wheels are already in motion as preparation for that takeover. As this blog has shown, Rick Warren is a massive player in this preparation. In fact the momentum is building much more this year with Rick much involved in a Vatican led ecumenical all faiths conference in November. See
Beyond its stated purpose, the real reason for this global confab is to continue Pope Francis’ work of merging all religions into the One World Religion mentioned in the book of Revelation. Any excuse for a get together is fine, so long as all religions agree to lay down before the Vatican and get in line behind the Pope.
Therefore, if Islam and atheism is broken and the rapture has taken place, then Mystery Babylon will be the one united global religion that remains.
Please read this article which corresponds to this article where it illustrates why mystery Babylon is definitely referring to Vatican city.
Whether or not the rapture takes place over the next year or so, this article has surely shown enough to make us aware that the time is very close indeed "even at the doors" and therefore that we need to make ourselves ready and prepared for that time. For those who have not yet received Jesus as their Saviour, Please read:
Note: the section "feast of trumpets" was edited on 17th & 23rd Nov 2014.
Please also read the following articles alongside this one note: this article has now just been completely revamped with many changes due to the many errors discovered and to reflect what I now know to be true as at 14th November 2014 17.45 GMT.
The bible tells us that the last 7 years aka the Great tribulation (mixed with the judgements of God) will precede the Second Coming, but these 7 years may not necessarily commence immediately from the day of the rapture, but from the signing of the 7 year peace treaty ("covenant of death") between Israel and the antichrist.
Jesus told us that
there would be signs pointing to the lead up to those days indicating when those days are likely to start. This article will not predict a date, but it will show that the signs Jesus was referring to are now here, so the rapture could happen at any time now.
This article will show how the rapture is likely to happen just before or during the very next event on the prophetical calendar. I am referring to the Psalm 83 prophecy which could have the commencement of its fulfilment any day now (when we consider recent events in that area). This prophecy has never been fulfilled in the way described and by these specific limited numbers of nations (if we use 21st century equivalent names). By the way, it is not possible for the Gog and Magog wars (described in Ezekiel 38 and 39) to take place UNTIL the Psalm 83 war has first ended because it relates to the aftermath of Psalm 83. More on that later.
Signs in the heavens
In Genesis chapter 1 (first book and chapter of the Bible) verses 14-15 ‘Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth” ’
The sun, moon and stars were not JUST to give light, days and years, but ALSO for signs and seasons. In a number of places through the Bible and through history we see momentous occasions when these bodies stand out specifically as signs of these events. Also, they dictate when specific seasons are upon us and when God’s specific feasts are at hand (which always paint a picture of Jesus [past, present and future] ). More on that later – especially regarding the feast of trumpets and tabernacles and how the phrase “as to the day and hour knoweth no man” fits in.
This article will
investigate if the expected tetrad, (4 blood moons during 2014 to 2015) total solar eclipse in March 2015 and partial solar eclipse in September 2015 are a sign heralding that a Divine event is about to happen very soon.
Note: a solar eclipse is expected to take place on September 13th 2015 on the Jewish feast of trumpets and the 4th blood moon will be seen in Jerusalem on the same day as the start of the feast of tabernacles on September 28th 2015. Such a (natural) event is not expected for another 500 years afterwards, i.e, one which again coincides with these Jewish feasts.
Jesus (referring to the restoration of Israel in 1948) said that THAT generation – the one NOW, would not pass away until all these things were fulfilled. It has to be THIS tetrad, not one in 500 years time. We are living in a significant time in which the promised restoration of Jerusalem to Israel after the desolation of MANY generations (2000 years) has been witnessed by us all. It is THIS generation that will witness all these things (not in 500 years). Note that there has only been 7 previous tetrads which have taken place during Jewish feasts in more than 2000 years, ie very rare. In every single one of those other events something significant has happened regarding Israel or the Jews.
Therefore, this tetrad and the solar eclipses could be heralding something extremely significant NOW (especially as the next one is not due for 500 plus years - Israel is already a nation again, so the next one is irrelevant) and could be one or more of these following events (not necessarily in this order):
• The rapture
• the impending fulfilment of Psalm 83
• the extension of Israel’s borders
• Gog and Magog wars (Ezekiel 38 to 39)
• The end of Islam and atheism
• Revealing of the antichrist and false prophet
• 7 year peace treaty of death
• building the third temple
• Globalisation of Mystery Babylon (as shown in this other article)
• Time of Jacob’s trouble
• The fall of Babylon the Great
• Armageddon
This article will not cover all of the above, but will mostly focus on why we should be expecting the rapture at any moment NOW in the light of the heavenly signs and the signs of the times. Jesus said (in the light of the signs He was referring to) that “when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near”. This article will not go beyond events leading up to the global conquest of Mystery Babylon.
What Are These Recent Signs in the heavens heralding?
Mostly, whenever a vastly significant DIVINE appointed event (i.e. a momentous ACT of God) has or is about to happen which specifically affects Israel, God sends heavenly signs.
They normally herald one or more of the following: judgement, mercy, massively significant events and protection. They have also accompanied specific Jewish feast days. For example, there was a sign in the heavens to declare the birth of Jesus and during Passover when Jesus was on the cross (although the darkness of 3 hours, on this occasion, must have been a unique supernatural event as solar eclipses can only take place during a new moon -passover only takes place during a full moon and solar eclipses cannot last 3 hours).
All massive events surrounding Jesus and the church were fulfilments of the Jewish feasts and always took place at the same time as these feasts, such as Passover/Pesach (already mentioned), Pentecost/Shavuot and others. As it states in Colossians 2:16-17:
"regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ" ie Jesus fulfills all these feasts.
All that remain (unfulfilled) are the autumn feasts such as Feast of trumpets/Rosh Hashanah and Tabernacles/Sukkot.
Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:23-25)
This was the first of the Autumnal feasts (now known as Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year. It was also known as feast of ingathering as the harvest was reaped from the field.
See Exodus 23:14 and 16:
"Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year" (verse 14). The third feast being "and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field." (verse 16).
Notice gathered in from the field.
A shofar horn (trumpet) was blown to state that the new year had started. As I understand it, it sounded on the mountains as soon as the new moon was seen.
This feast was the only one that was held on the first day of a new moon. Most of you will know that just before the revealing of the new moon, the moon is totally invisible to the naked eye, so was impossible to determine the exact day/hour of the first day of the new moon, until a slither of light (from the sun) reflected onto the moon to reveal that the new month had started.
Therefore it was impossible to know (before the technology that we now have) the exact day or hour “as to that day or hour knoweth no man”. That phrase was a well known saying indicating the uncertainty of the timing of the feast and was the feast that Jesus was referring to when He made that statement.
During a solar eclipse, the suddenness of the revealing of the new moon at this feast was very stark in comparison with other new moons and was a special sign. We have been informed that there will actually be a solar eclipse at the feast of trumpets in 2015.
Even if that phrase was not relevant as an indication of knowing when to expect the rapture – certainly we should not be date setting, we should remember that when Jesus stated “no man knows the day or hour”, it was almost 2000 years ago. 1900 years plus needed to pass by before Israel even became a nation again. Clearly there would not be any signs of the rapture for a very long time, so was difficult to determine when it would happen at that time, i.e. around the year 30AD. However, we are very close now, so much easier to determine the signs and times in which we live and recognise that the rapture is very close.
The trumpet blasts meant different things: an announcement to prepare spiritually (to awaken), to assemble together, to get right with God and as a final last warning and to "look up"(last trump) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh Luke 21:28. Note that Luke was telling us that we should look up at the beginning of the tribulation and not at the end.
The last trump was also blown to commence a journey. We are told in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 that the last trump – the very last one calling the people of God together, resulting in the rapture.
Incidentally, we cannot use the trumpets blown by the angels in the book of Revelation as a guide to the last trump because the apostle Paul was not referring to those trumpet blasts (as the book of Revelation had not yet been written) but to the Jewish feast of trumpets and maybe also to the trumpets used by Joshua. Besides, the trumpets in Revelation are blown by the angels whereas the one mentioned by Paul is blown by the Lord Himself "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God" 1 Thes 4:16
Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-36)
The feast of tabernacles partially was fulfilled by Jesus in that His body represented the temple (dwelling place of God). John 1:14 declares “ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)”. Literally, he tabernacled amongst us. Special events in the eternal life of Jesus always took place on the exact dates of an appropriate Jewish feast. Therefore, it stands to reason that Jesus was born on the first day of Tabernacles. However, this feast has only partially been fulfilled because it was only for 33 years.
However, at the Second Coming, we will be in the presence of Jesus forever.
A blood moon (full moon) will take place at the Feast of Tabernacles (following the solar eclipse on the feast of trumpets) in 2015.
We are now in the shemittah (Shmita) sabbatical year. This is the 7th year in a 7 year cycle as recorded in Exodus 23:10-11 which will last until September 2015. The first year in another 7 year cycle will then begin (around the time of the day of atonement - possibly the very last one) and will last until the autumn of 2022, with the year 2021/22 being the next Shmita year.
Around the feast of Tabernacles in 2022 it will either be the start of a new 7 year cycle or could be the year of jubilee. (clickhere for an explanation regarding the next jubilee). The year of jubilee indicates a time when everything will be restored and Israel's debt paid in full and the start of the Millennium reign of Christ on the Earth. Notice how that significant number of 7 years keeps showing up and corresponds with the 70th year of Daniel - the last 7 years of the Great Tribulation, Daniel 9:25-27.
These combined events do sound extremely significant and could be that God is telling us that The Second Coming will be taking place in around 8 years time after the rapture event, especially if the rapture happens in 2015 (could be sooner, because Jesus left us with the impression of imminency).
The impending Fulfilment of Psalm 83 and the Rapture and Partial fall of Islam
Psalm 83 (NKJV):
“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones (hidden ones in KJV).
They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against You:
The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites; Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them;
They have helped the children of Lot. Selah
Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera, As with Jabin at the Brook Kishon, Who perished at En Dor, Who became as refuse on the earth.
Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna, Who said, “Let us take for ourselves The pastures of God for a possession.”
O my God, make them like the whirling dust, Like the chaff before the wind! As the fire burns the woods, And as the flame sets the mountains on fire, So pursue them with Your tempest, And frighten them with Your storm. Fill their faces with shame, That they may seek Your name, O LORD.
Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; Yes, let them be put to shame and perish, That they may know that You, whose name alone is the LORD, Are the Most High over all the earth.”
For an in depth study on this psalm, please watch and read these links:
When we consider the nations mentioned above and translate them into the country names they are known as today, i.e the immediate close neighbours of Israel: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, parts of Iraq, parts of Saudi Arabia, parts of Egypt, Palestinian occupied Gaza Strip) and what they are saying and match it in line with history, it is like we are reading todays newspaper written thousands of years ago. We are living in days when this could happen at any moment. What might finally trigger it off?
Could the plan of ISIS succeed in making that whole area an Islamic State governed by Sharia law by one government, and then attack Israel? Or could something else trigger it off. I believe that Psalm 83 gives us clues.
Psalm 83 mentions that Israel will defend itself in the same way that Gideon defeated the Midianites, ie with a very small (not exceedingly great) army. An example of this may have happened in 1967 but with a slightly different set of nations and a completely different outcome. It never resulted in peace for Israel nor an acknowledgement from Israel’s neighbours that Yahweh (not allah) is the Lord. Therefore, it is still to happen.
God used Gideon powerfully but also intervened by causing the Midianites to attack each other. Although clearly God intervened, the Israeli army were very active in the victory. These 300 soldiers were 400 times smaller than the Midianites. By the way, this will be completely different from the description of Israel’s victory over the hordes of Gog and Magog. Psalm 83 does not describe fire falling from heaven by direct Divine intervention, to destroy the enemies. But in Ezekiel 38 it DOES describe fire consuming the enemies without any fighting from Israel at all.
Psalm 83 ends with the result that a revival occurs because it is widely recognised that Yahwah (not allah) is the only true God.
That revival surely could not happen if the reason for Israel’s victory was because of their superior capabilties. It HAS to surely be because of Divine assistance and be of Gideon-esk proportions.
How could it be that the IDF would suddenly be so small? Could it be because something happened which made Israel unprepared to muster a decent sized army - such as the rapture?
Verse 3 implies that a rapture could take place as it uses the phrase “hidden ones”. In fact, if the confederacy attacked Israel, it could be because they may consider that allah had given them an open door to destroy Israel due to the aftermath of a chaos caused by the rapture with all other nations massively weakened by it. It is possible that Israel’s immediate neighbours will not be affected that much because they are Islamic states with the vast majority as muslims who obviously would not be raptured.
Whether the rapture takes place at this point or not, the net result of this war is that the strength of Islam in that area of the Middle East will be broken and a combined acceptance of Israel’s God (not yet an acceptance of Jesus, though) with Israel temporarily living in complete peace and security with its neighbouring peoples and without walls, with Israel’s borders extended up to Euphrates River. The Gog and Magog war does not include any of the nations mentioned in Psalm 83. That is because the geographical areas of these nations are now owned by Israel – probably ceasing to exist and no longer Islamic.
The Gog and Magog war ending Islam and atheism
After the Psalm 83 war, there will be a global hatred for Israel (even greater than there is now) because of their actions and a global demand for eliminating the Jews. In USA the support of evangelicals for Israel will cease due to many of these being taken in the rapture.
The hope is that all the Jews return to Israel and its subsequent destruction would solve the “Jewish problem” forever. The sudden and immediate economic growth of Israel through its extended borders and new found wealth through resources such as the newly discovered oil of recent years, peace and security and the global intolerable behaviour towards Jews, may be the reason why the Jews living outside of Israel will immediately return to Israel. This will then set the scene for the later Gog and Magog wars as described in Ezekiel 38 and 39.
Here is Ezekiel 38:8-12 which is addressing Gog of the Land of Magog (known today as Russia):
“After many days you will be visited. In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely.
You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”
‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’— to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land”
Notice the parts that are emboldened. That would suggest the peaceful aftermath after the completion of psalm 83 where Israel has extended its borders, possibly up to the Euphrates river and is no longer threatened by those nations it had just beaten who are now living in peace accepting the true God of Israel and rejecting Allah (as implied in psalm 83).
The nations who join the Russian hordes are: Persia, Cush and Put, Togarmah and Gomer. Today, these are widely recognised as being: Iran, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Armenia. Gomer is not so easy to identify, but is widely considered to be some of the old southern Soviet states and some of those Soviet states that now occupy Eastern Europe.
Most of those joining Russia (for other ulterior motives?) are from countries controlled by Islam (including countries from the Southern territories of the old Soviet Union) who have a vested interest in destroying Israel. Notice that none of the countries listed in Psalm 83 are involved. If they still existed as islamic countries, it is highly unlikely that they would not join in (as the inner circle surrounding Israel). Their non inclusion (in the Ezekiel 38 list) is further evidence that the war of Psalm 83 (as already discussed) had already ended.
By the way, Iran was made up of 2 countries (in Bible times) called Persia and Elam. In these days there is a growing Christian community in Iran which could be related to the Elam prophecy in Jeremiah 49 which infers a revival in Elam, whereas Persia is mentioned in Ezekiel 38. At the rapture, the muslims would remain. It would appear that the Islamic section of Iran are the ones who are involved with Gog. The reason that Iran does not attack Israel immediately during the Psalm 83 war is probably due to the impact caused by the rapture – just like with all the other outer countries (and the rest of the world) surrounding the outer ring of the Middle East.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 show us that Gog and his hordes will be defeated heavily on the mountains of Israel by DIVINE intervention. The end result of this war is that atheism and Islam will probably be totally broken forever because it states:
“Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.”’
Then chapter 39: 9 says “Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and bucklers, the bows and arrows, the javelins and spears; and they will make fires with them for seven years”
Seven years! That is the same length of time as the Great Tribulation period after the antichrist signs a treaty. Could it be that the Gog and Magog war will precede the 7 year tribulation period and the revealing of the antichrist in Rome and the rebuilding of the 3rd temple (with help from the antichrist)? I now deal with that subject next, in the added section).
Added section 4th Dec 2014 (revising my position regarding Gog and Magog War)
I have had to change my position regarding the timing of the Gog and Magog war after further study. The descriptions given in Ezekiel 38 to 39 would indicate that a lot of things would need to happen after the Psalm 83 war to bring the Jews to a place where they would feel secure, without walls and become unsuspecting of further hostilities. It would take at least a few years before they would feel settled and secure with some form of evidence to give them that security. I would suggest the "covenant of death" peace treaty with the (to be revealed) antichrist may bring them to that place.
The covenant of death would probably include a proviso of support for the rebuilding of the 3rd temple and may be because of Israel's sudden rise to a super power status with Israel (possibly) being the main source of oil supply for the whole world. This peace is likely to continue until late into the 7 year period at a point in which the antichrist turns the nations against Israel.
Therefore, I suggest that the Gog and Magog war takes place towards the end of the 7 years and not at the beginning. Those who say it must be at the beginning are those who try to reconcile the 7 years of fuel burning with the same 7 years. They say that the 7 years burning can only happen during the Tribulation period and can not take place during the Millennium reign of Christ.
I have investigated this. There are plenty of other scriptures which would support that the 7 years burning period could mark the first 7 years of the thousand years, in which swords will be turned into ploughshares etc. This tells us that there will be manufacturing and agriculture during the millennium. Therefore, why not using the weapons of warfare as fuel as well?
If you then read Ezekiel 38 and 39 again, it makes more sense that the Gog and Magog war (with subsequent Armageddon war) is at the end of the Tribulation. Especially if we consider that it states that the whole world will know that the Lord is God and the acceptance by Israel of their Messiah is indicated with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit which matches the account given in Zechariah from 12:4 through to 14:12. I would suggest that Ezekiel is actually discussing the Gog and agog War combined with the Armageddon War, which will take place close together.
If we place the war at the beginning, it would make no sense because Israel would NOT be in that position of final peace and honouring God, because there would still be the immediate threat afterwards of the antichrist tribulation (time of Jacobs trouble) against them. What is the point of saying that the whole world would acknowledge the Lord if immediately after doing that, they give their allegiance to the antichrist to fight against God and against Israel? It makes no sense. However, it makes perfect sense if we place the event at the very end.
As mentioned earlier, the nations mentioned in the Gog and Magog wars are primarily muslim nations. With the emergence and power of Babylon the Great and mystery Babylon, Islam will probably be united with them in one global religion, agreeing together to unite to destroy Israel. Note Israel will have recently become the only nation who have rejected the antichrist (after the antichrist desecrated the 3rd temple and proved to NOT be the messiah).
Globalisation of Mystery Babylon Before and After The Rapture
Alongside this section, please read my latest article as follows:
Rick Warren and Word of Faith's Full Apostasy Is Complete. Mystery Babylon Is Taking Even Greater Shape Before Our Eyes
and the article “Explaining The Beast With Seven Heads and Ten Horns and The Woman Riding The Beast” by clickinghere
How would mystery Babylon the great emerge so quickly after the Psalm 83 war?
We have seen much evidence in the last 10 years, or so, how quickly the main stream protestant church has become ecumenical - joining forces with Rome. However, we are informed that Mystery Babylon is a united one world religion (no other religion) at the time of the antichrist. How could it happen so quickly?
Psalm 83 and the rapture gave us a clue.
As shown, Psalm 83 is the next major event on the biblical calendar, in which Israel's immediate neighbours will attack Israel and Israel will be victorious in the manner that Gideon was victorious. This would lead to Israel enlarging its borders with Islam ceasing to be an influence in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, most of Iraq, some of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Palestine, leading to peace in that geographical area, where these peoples will acknowledge that Israel’s God: Yahweh is the only true God (They will not, however, accept Jesus as their saviour, yet).
There are indications in Psalm 83 that the rapture will take place at this time: Note what it says in the KJV:
"They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones". The hidden ones could be related to those hidden in heaven after the rapture.
However, that will not lead to their salvation but to the speedy completion of Babylon the Great and global mystery religion controlled temporarily in Rome, by the antichrist.
The apostle Paul said "the mystery is already at work" and "after my departure wolves will come in". He was clearly referring to the catholic church fathers who brought n destructive heresy straight from Babylon through the gnostics.
Mystery Babylon flourished throughout the dark ages over parts of the Earth and will flourish again MUCH MORE in the latter days and this time totally globally. So, how will it flourish in such a massive way?
As shown above, if Islam and atheism is broken and the rapture has taken place for true believers who have not joined themselves to Rome, then who will be left? Those false ecumenical leaders who are trying to lead the true church back into Rome and all those who are not born again (in those churches) will be left behind.
Most of these ecumenical leaders (who are not converted after the rapture) will all totally join Rome as ONE totally global mystery Babylon religion, together with all other religions which first emanated out of Babylonic religion (incidentally, Islam, buddism, Hinduism etc all have their roots in Babylonic mysteries). This support will enable Vatican City to emerge very quickly with much more power than ever before - even more sinister than was experienced during the dark ages.
Actually, the wheels are already in motion as preparation for that takeover. As this blog has shown, Rick Warren is a massive player in this preparation. In fact the momentum is building much more this year with Rick much involved in a Vatican led ecumenical all faiths conference in November. See
Beyond its stated purpose, the real reason for this global confab is to continue Pope Francis’ work of merging all religions into the One World Religion mentioned in the book of Revelation. Any excuse for a get together is fine, so long as all religions agree to lay down before the Vatican and get in line behind the Pope.
Therefore, if Islam and atheism is broken and the rapture has taken place, then Mystery Babylon will be the one united global religion that remains.
Please read this article which corresponds to this article where it illustrates why mystery Babylon is definitely referring to Vatican city.
Whether or not the rapture takes place over the next year or so, this article has surely shown enough to make us aware that the time is very close indeed "even at the doors" and therefore that we need to make ourselves ready and prepared for that time. For those who have not yet received Jesus as their Saviour, Please read:
Well, actually I AM NOT trying to enforce it.
I will explain:
If you remember, I stated some time back that the only time I would discuss the timing of the rapture is IF current events cause discussion of the rapture to be applicable. I always maintain that the purpose of my blog is to focus mostly on ecumenical issues or other issues that are affecting us all in the here and now and not get sidetracked into less essential issues.
2014 has been hugely significant in regard to:
* the speedy rise of Rome led, all faiths Mystery Babylon.
* the events of ISIS which appear to be prompting the psalm 83 war
* the arrival of the tetrad, the Shmita sabbatical year starting and the next 7 year shmita cycle starting in September 2015
It is for those reasons that I needed to relate it to the timing of the rapture because it is impossible (in the light of these events) not to talk about it as it is all part/parcel of what is happening.
Also, as I linked that article to my rapture and end times stance article, I realised that that old article was a mess and needed tidying up.
This is no campaign (of mine) to brainwash believers into believing the pre trib rapture, but simply to reveal how very close things are now and if pretrib is true that the church and individuals need to start waking up now, prepare themselves spiritually by getting closer to the Lord through prayer and waiting on Him and increasing their tempo in reaching the lost.
The trend today is to consider eschatology as unimportant because it is not an essential for salvation. But that does not negate sound doctrine that is essential to the walk of every believer. There are doctrinal issues important beyond one’s salvation aren’t there?
This is where discipleship comes in and why teaching is necessary and Bible study. Of course there are honest differences between sincere Bible scholars, but it must be based upon Biblical truth. For instance, there is no basis for other modes of water baptism other than immersion.
The doctrine of the Pretrib Rapture has come under vicious attack in recent years and it deserves defending because it relates to a proper Christian worldview of our times and how we live our lives.
The Bible says that in the last days there would be scoffers who would say where is the promise of His coming – that it has been so long and people have been teaching this for so long that it must be wrong. Nevermind that God is outside of time and a thousand years is as a day to Him.
Perhaps we could say some are suffering from “Rapture Fatigue” and they start searching for other answers to fit their thinking rather than continuing to hold to the Word. Also, even some “discerners” have become deceived here and even call Pretrib a false teaching. I think that is due in part to the compromise of those who have been famous for teaching it such as Tim LaHaye and then he went too far afield in the “Left Behind” series.
Then there is false information spread about the origins of Pretrib to Margaret Macdonald, etc. We have to ask ourselves the question – “Would Satan have any motive for destroying the Blessed Hope of the Church?” No brainer. Of course. If he can get us to take our eyes off the Lord and looking for Him to return to what is going on in the world and focusing on self-preservation based in fear, he has won a great victory. Also, by discrediting those who teach Pretrib is another tactic. Tommy Ice for one and David Jeremiah for another.
So I don’t think you are overemphasizing Pretrib and that the critics are merely misguided. If a sound doctrine meant to bless the Church is under attack, we have a responsibility to defend it for the edification of the Church, don’t we?
I hope this is an encouragement to you to keep on and don’t let the naysayers get to you.
Do the scriptures specifically teach that the solar and lunar eclipses will occur at exactly the same time? What I read is that the sun will turn black first and then the blood moon. It does not specifically say that it will be simultaneous.
Both Acts 2 and Joel 2 say the same thing “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and notable day of the Lord come” This means BEFORE the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord (time of God’s wrath) those 2 events will happen, but we are not told how long apart they are. The context, though, would indicate fairly close together.
Matthew 24 is talking about supernatural events in the heavenlies AT THE END of the Wrath “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken”
Next year, there will be a partial solar eclipse on the first day of the feast of trumpets and a blood moon (seen in Jerusalem) at the start of the feast of tabernacles, just 2 weeks later.
How do I know the second event (at the end of the Great Tribulation re Matthew 24) is supernatural? Well, the next blood moons are not expected during a Jewish feast for another 500 years after next year. Even if the Great Tribulation started today the seven years could not finish in 2015, so the second event MUST be supernatural. Matthew DOES indicate that.
The events BEFORE the great and notable day of the Lord will probably be natural events, although it MUST be accompanied (at some stage) by falling stars. The second event AFTER the end of the Tribulation and will be MUCH MORE dramatic. The first one MIGHT be next year, you never know. The first 3 blood moons could be a last warning to repent before the 4th.
From my investigations I cannot find any expectant meteor showers for next September but there are places that talk about unusual activities going on in the atmosphere and instability with the Earth etc. However, Revelation 6 discusses some of the events as supernatural, though, in particular the rolling up of the sky like a scroll.
In Revelation 6:12-14 it says “The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.” That event was just before the rapture/Tribulation started because the scrolling of the sky is followed by the rapture in Revelation 7:9 and then the following chapters after that discuss all the events of the Great Tribulation.
Acts 2 and Joel 2 both refer to this event BEFORE the Tribulation. However Matthew 24 mentions the Tribulation and THEN a darkened (not blood) moons etc AFTERWARDS. That indicates ANOTHER event. That other event MUST be supernatural as already indicated.
All of the acts of God through the 3.5 years of wrath WILL include the events mentioned in Matthew 24. Revelation 16:17-21 could be a fulfilment of that
“The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds fell on people”
The earthquake with possible multiple volcanoes would darken the sun and could cause a red moon after the sky clears up a bit.
To illustrate what Revelation 6 may look like, please visit my article which gives an artist impression of the event.
Blood moons only occur at a TOTAL lunar eclipse and are fairly rare. Apparently they can only be seen (on average) at a single location every 2.5 years. A tetrad (4 blood moons appearing every 6 months over a period of 2 successive years) are extremely rare. For example there were absolutely no tetrad’s between 1600 to 1900. The odds of a tetrad i.e all 4 blood moons coinciding on the exact days of specific Jewish feasts are even more remote and only happened 7 times over the last 2000 years. If we then throw into the equation the addition of a solar eclipse happening just 2 weeks before a blood moon at the specific feasts of trumpets and Tabernacles TO THE VERY DAYS of the start of these events, then we are talking about the realms of almost impossibility.
Make no mistake. September 2015 is going to be totally unique. Also consider that the blood moon in September 2015 will be seen in Jerusalem and will be a SUPER moon, then we really are talking about something totally amazing and significant.
I mean, what are the chances that it will happen exactly 2 weeks after a solar eclipse with both being seen in Jerusalem at those specific significant feasts and at the 4th part of a tetrad, also coinciding with the start of a new Jewish Shmita (7 year cycle) and it being a Super (larger) new moon? Notice 7 years! Those who teach the pretrib rapture state that it precedes 7 years Tribulation.
To show the significance of the Shmita.
The Shmita has been regularly observed throughout Jewish history as per Exodus 23:10-11 "And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still".
We are now in the Jewish year 5775. Simply divide that by 7 and you will find that it is the Shmita year and is being observed in Israel (as we speak) and the new 7 year cycle will start in September 2015. Here is a link which says more on this:
Regarding the Jubilee. This has not been observed ever since the fall of the first temple because according to Rabbi’s interpretation of Leviticus 25:10 “all the inhabitants” means all the 12 tribes within the land and therefore they cannot observe the year of Jubilee UNTIL all 12 tribes reside in Israel.
Since the first exile, there has been 10 lost tribes who are still living within the nations. The Jewish religious leaders are waiting for the fulfilment of Ezekiel 36:24 ” For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of ALL countries, and will bring you into your own land”. Ezekiel 37 talks about a regeneration that will happen after these return.
Those Jews who live in Israel at the moment are not the entire 12 tribes of Israel and have come to the land in unbelief and hardness of heart. Once all the Jews have returned there will be serious tribulation for Israel followed by salvation. The regeneration of Israel with a new spirit within will not happen until the Jews return from ALL the countries including USA and Western European countries.
When this happens then the status will be ripe for reapplying Leviticus 25:10.
As bible believing Christians, we know that these missing Jews will be forced back to the land just before the time of Jacobs trouble to face serious trouble as God sanctifies His name to the nations through disciplining Israel severely.
Once this is complete, the whole nation will look upon Jesus whom they have pierced and mourn for Him on the day of atonement at the end of the 7 years. This will lead nicely to the Second Coming and the right conditions for observing the start of the year of jubilee – as I said, could be after the next Shmita in 2022/23.
I got some of this information from a rabbi:
However, Jewish people are not fully observing it. That is because they are still in the land in hardness of heart and mostly in unbelief. That will change once all the remaining diaspora have returned. However, that does not take away from God’s set timings based on these Shmita’s. Once the diaspora has returned then Israel will again be able to celebrate the year of Jubilee.
However, the Gog and Magog War, time of Jacobs trouble (Great Tribulation) will have to happen first which is likely to hold back the first Jubilee until the end of it, which just so happens to coincide with Zechariah 12:10 to 13:1 and the Second Coming.
All of the above scenarios are already shaping up and could happen very quickly. What event is most likely to trigger them off quickly? The rapture DOES make sense as a precursor to all these things. Whether the rapture takes place next September or not, make no mistake, big things are about to happen. Only fools will ignore these signs and not be prepared spiritually.
With those things in mind, please now read the sections in the article again that are entitled:
* Signs in the heavens
* What Are These Recent Signs in the heavens heralding?
* Feast of Trumpets
* Feast of Tabernacles
Please note that due to further study, I have had to change my position regarding the timing of the Gog and Magog War. The following conclusion will fit in much better with all the other propheitc scripture passages:
Here is my added section of today:
I have had to change my position regarding the timing of the Gog and Magog war after further study. The descriptions given in Ezekiel 38 to 39 would indicate that a lot of things would need to happen after the Psalm 83 war to bring the Jews to a place where they would feel secure, without walls and become unsuspecting of further hostilities. It would take at least a few years before they would feel settled and secure with some form of evidence to give them that security. I would suggest the "covenant of death" peace treaty with the (to be revealed) antichrist may bring them to that place.
The covenant of death would probably include a proviso of support for the rebuilding of the 3rd temple and may be because of Israel's sudden rise to a super power status with Israel (possibly) being the main source of oil supply for the whole world. This peace is likely to continue until late into the 7 year period at a point in which the antichrist turns the nations against Israel.
Therefore, I suggest that the Gog and Magog war takes place towards the end of the 7 years and not at the beginning. Those who say it must be at the beginning are those who try to reconcile the 7 years of fuel burning with the same 7 years. They say that the 7 years burning can only happen during the Tribulation period and can not take place during the Millennium reign of Christ.
I have investigated this. There are plenty of other scriptures which would support that the 7 years burning period could mark the first 7 years of the thousand years, in which swords will be turned into ploughshares etc. This tells us that there will be manufacturing and agriculture during the millennium. Therefore, why not using the weapons of warfare as fuel as well?
If you then read Ezekiel 38 and 39 again, it makes more sense that the Gog and Magog war (with subsequent Armageddon war) is at the end of the Tribulation. Especially if we consider that it states that the whole world will know that the Lord is God and the acceptance by Israel of their Messiah is indicated with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit which matches the account given in Zechariah from 12:4 through to 14:12. I would suggest that Ezekiel is actually discussing the Gog and agog War combined with the Armageddon War, which will take place close together.
If we place the war at the beginning, it would make no sense because Israel would NOT be in that position because there would be the immediate threat afterwards of the antichrist tribulation (time of Jacobs trouble) against them. What is the point of saying that the whole world would acknowledge the Lord if immediately afterwards they give their allegiance to the antichrist to fight against God? It makes no sense. However, it makes perfect sense if we place the event at the very end.
As mentioned earlier, the nations mentioned in the Gog and Magog wars are primarily muslim nations. With the emergence and power of Babylon the Great and mystery Babylon, Islam will probably be united with them in one global religion, agreeing together to unite to destroy Israel. Note Israel will have recently become the only nation who have rejected the antichrist (after the antichrist desecrated the 3rd temple and proved to NOT be the messiah).
As most prophecies seem to have dual fulfillments, I don't think there is a problem with Christ using a verse for a near fulfillment, and us finding a second fulfillment in the same words. I think there are couple clues in the passage of Jeremiah that tell you when this will occur.
The first is the phrase "that day." For the most part, when that phrase is used in prophetic context it is always referring to the Day of the Lord. Then it says that it is a day in which there is no other like it. Christ tells us that the great tribulation after the abomination will be a time of tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world nor ever will be, and we know the Day of the Lord will be like no other.
Daniel 12:1 gives us more information. During this time of "trouble" (note the word trouble used specifically, so the connection with Jacob's trouble) many will be delivered, but ONLY those whose names are found in the "book" meaning the Book of Life and then there will be a resurrection following this time of trouble (vs.2).
This time of trouble comes after Michael stands up for the people, which seems to be a reference to Rev. 12:7 where he throws Satan out of heaven. It is at that time )(Rev. 12:7) that some of Israel (I think this is a reference to the 144,000) is hidden in a safe place in the wilderness, and Satan turns his wrath on Christians (Rev.12:14-17).
Getting back to the Book, our names have been written in there from the foundation of the world, (Rev. 17:8) so even if Jews do not accept their Savior until His appearing (which is when they accept Him - Zech. 12:8-11, Rev. 1:7, also see note below for more), those who will accept him have their names written in there during the time of trouble, so will survive.
So they, along with the 144,000 that are specifically chosen and sealed for protection from at least the fifth trumpet judgement (Rev. 7:3, 9:4), will make it through the Day of the Lord.
Apparently that constitutes one third of them according to Zechariah. The rest, who may take the mark of the beast or at least will not believe in God, will perish. The rest are refined, so that they will accept Christ when He appears.
Note: In Roman 11:25 Paul tells us that Israel will not be saved until the fulness of the Gentiles comes in. In Luke 21:20-24 we find that this (the fulness of the Gentiles) does not occur until after the great tribulation and the time of Jerusalem being trodden down by the Gentiles is fulfilled (compare this passage in Luke to Matt. 24 for the timing of this being after the abomination of desolation and hence the great tribulation, as they are parallel passages)
In Rev. 11:1-2 we are told that the temple courtyard and the city will be trodden on by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled and that this is for 42 months. When you put all these verses together in a coherent chronology, it puts the end of the time of the Gentiles being fulfilled at the end of their treading down the city for 42 months after the abomination of desolation or basically the end of Daniel's 70th week. As Israel is saved after the time of the Gentiles being fulfilled, that would put it at the end of Daniel's 70th week, which would line up with Christ's appearing, which goes along with the passages in Zech. and Rev. 1.
As I do not hold to the same eschatological theory of rapture timing, nor of definitions of the Day of the Lord versus the tribulation that you do, it is a little harder for me to connect the dots for you, as I have learned to see them, than it would be if we believed the same way, but I tried to do it in such a way that I hope you could see the connection without disturbing your belief.