Monday, 11 March 2019

Britain Hung!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Page 77

After reading Bob Mitchell's latest post regarding the Icelandic Volcano, I couldn't help think that maybe (tongue in cheek) God has passed judgement by sentencing Britain with a "hung" parliament (a play on the word "hang" as a method of sentencing a convict). 

Joking apart, what are the implications for Britain of having a hung parliament? Well I am no politician or specialist on the subject but I do understand that this means a coalition is necessary as there is no majority party in Parliament.

At present the current leader Gordon Brown remains Prime Minister even though his party did not receive the largest vote. It is just a matter of time before that ceases to be the case. Reading between the lines the coalition will be between the Conservative Party (David Cameron) and the Liberal Democrats (Nick Clegg).

Those who follow Israeli politics will be well aware of what a coalition is like and the requirements for it to be successful. Much negotiation and compromise. In fact, the Common Purpose (see my last post) training will come in very useful, ie working together for the common good (purpose) of whom?

As we know, the houses of Parliament and the EU probably have many who have
been trained by Common Purpose. A hung parliament could (I say "could" because it is just a theory) be an open door for the EU to resolve many issues within our country or indeed be what they want to abolish Parliament altogether - watch this space.

However, in David Cameron's first speech he stated that the coalition will work together to ensure the EU does not exercise more power in Britain than it should. Does he really mean that or is it a smoke-screen to blind us to what is really going on?

As I always maintain, let us look upwards and pray that God intervene over all the plans of the enemy. As Joseph said "you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good!" Let us pray that He will be glorified regardless.

As I understand it, a coalition works well in Israel. Maybe it can be good for Britain? We are living in the VERY last days, ie the days of God's judgement and of the fulfillment of the prophecies regarding the ac and revived Roman Empire, so I find it hard to believe it will be good for Britain. This coalition will probably be a stepping stone towards globalisation and the NWO.
Posted by John Chingford at 7:50 pm
Expected Imminently said...
Hello John
I thought you may like to see the opinion of a Christian from Canada from another site?

Christina from Canada wrote

If anyone wants to know how well a minority government works, just take a look at our government. Since our last election, since the Conservatives were a few shy of a majority government, ended up sharing the seat with the Liberals. I have never seen a worse combination than to have the Conservatives and Liberals sharing the countries responsibilities or rather, the Conservatives not being able to do much on their own without the Liberals threatening to overthrow the Conservative by forming a coalition with the NDP (New Democratic Party - the closest thing to socialism without crossing over to communism imo) and the Quebecois Party (they're worse than the NDP - Quebec wants to separate from the rest of, it was so bad in December that Stephen Harper (our PM) had to suspend Parliament (or make the request to the Attorney General) in order to stop the forming of the coalition!

Our PM can barely breathe without the other parties threatening to form their coalition everytime he wants to move Canada in one direction or another. The worst thing our country has ever seen is a Conservative minority being hackled with the Liberal Party....they are at opposite ends of the spectrum and their views for our country are completely opposite! It's like living a battle of "tug-of-war" back and forth.

You guys in the UK do NOT want a coalition government nor a minority government.
Expected Imminently said...
Hello John

I heard the phrase 'Common Purpose' come out of the mouth of Cameron, or it may have been Clegg, concerning the Lib Con deal on the new government.

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