Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Urgent Announcement Regarding Jacob Prasch

Friday, 19 November 2010

Page 125

I was notified of this message on Moriel's website:
Urgent Announcement Regarding Jacob Prasch
Blessings in Jesus.

Jacob Prasch returned from Jordan with a recurrent edema and increased blood pressure plus new (although not serious) changes in his EKG results. He has had a battery of blood chemistries and will be undergoing further medical tests and his medication dosages to control atrial fibrillation and hypertension have been increased. Prayer is requested.

After consultation with his cardiologist changes will need to be made to Jacob’s schedule into the forthcoming year. Jacob will be fulfilling his speaking schedule through next month only.
He will also

still be speaking in a Calvary Chapel in New York where he will be visiting family for New Year and, while already in the USA, he will still address the Phoenix Conference at Calvary Chapel, Tempe, Arizona. No further engagements will take place in late December or January.

On his cardiologist’s advice the USA itinerary for February, March, and April will be canceled as will all UK and other engagements in the North of England, Wales, or the Midlands (except Nottingham and Grantham). As anticipated, there will be no visit to Australia or to New Zealand in 2011.

There will also be no Bible study tour of Israel in 2011 and the scheduled September study tour of Greece will likely be rescheduled. The June itinerary for South Africa will be pushed back until late July as his cardiologist recommends a 6 month suspension of heavy traveling except for medical treatments or holiday. No decision has as yet been made concerning Singapore.

Jacob will be confined to speaking only around London and the South of England mainly on Sundays and within close driving distance of his home base and the Moriel UK office not requiring long distance travel, long distance driving, frequent jet travel for itineraries and jet lag, etc.

In addition to a medically supervised exercise program the plan is for Jacob to use the down time for writing his next book, spending more time with his wife, preparing for their daughter’s wedding, and producing new teaching material for recording, filming, and the internet.

Moriel and Jacob apologetically regret these unfortunate cancellations. After the near stroke in Africa last year (which would have likely been fatal) there is medically no sensible alternative.
Once again, prayer as always is much appreciated.
In Christ
Posted by John Chingford at 2:30 pm
Anonymous said...
Poor Jacob, I will pray, God bless him, he is truly a man after His own heart.

Thank you for sharing this,
A sister in Christ.

God bless.
Expected Imminently said...
In this day and age, Jacob can do as much damage to the kingdom of darkness, by writing and the internet, than by all that pacing up and down on a platform!

Of course he must stop chasing about, his wife, family and we all need him fit and well. I just hope and pray he has the strength of will to stay away from Pizza and Hagaandaz! :)

God bless Jacob with renewed health and strength.


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