Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Video Evidence Showing The Catholic Institution as "Babylon"

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Page 132

Please click these links. Part 1 and 2 of same message. It is a very clear message to all true believers that we should not be involved in any organisation which supports or gives allegiance to this babylonic whore.

The Bible's Book of Revelation says to not take part in her sins and to come out of her. Therefore we need to know what it is that we need to get out of. These videos make it absolutely clear of who the Babylonic whore is. 
The purpose of these videos is to expose the whore of Babylon (so as to save people out of it).

To me the videos powerfully prove the whore is the

Vatican system and I believe the Babylonic whore is the end-time apostate church controlled by the Vatican.

We can already see this in evidence now as the Vatican seems to be controlling all the hidden global movements in the world: the Bilderbergers and World Bank, The EU,  the New Age Movement, Ecumenicalism (such as Word Faith, Emerging church (McLaren), Purpose driven (Rick Warren), Renovaré, Promise-Keepers, New Frontiers, Vineyard, Alpha, Evangelical Alliance, Spring Harvest), False revivals like Todd Bentley etc to name just a few. More to come on this later.

Please check out these later articles (for further proof) by clicking on the following links:

Posted by John Chingford at 6:37 pm
Johnchingford said...
I received this comment from a reader:

Hello John

I haven’t the time or energy to test this error at present, so I suspect it to be Amil? Posrmil? Preterism? Whatever, it is gross error.

I came to view your sight because I mistakenly thought you said you were Pretrib. Your links to Ariel ministry and other Pretrib sites seemed to confirm this.

Johnchingford reply:

You have misunderstood the purpose of the videos. As I understand it they are pretrib, but the purpose of the videos is to expose the Roman Church as the whore of Babylon (so as to save people out of it).

To me the videos powerfully prove the whore is the Vatican system and I believe the whore is the end-time apostate church controlled by the Vatican.

Regarding my stance, I have a greater leaning towards Pre trib rapture (especially before the judgements of God) and the Millennium commencing after the trib.

However, I cannot be dogmatic about this as there are some grey areas in scripture which could suggest the rapture could happen anytime within the 7 years.

I certainly don't think it to be too important as you rightly say we are called to suffer for Christ and we need to be constantly ready for His coming.
Wary said...
John said
"To me the videos powerfully prove the whore is the Vatican system and I believe the whore is the end-time apostate church controlled by the Vatican".

Roman Catholicism is only a part of the whore; and the Vatican itself it under the control of Satan as is the A/c.

Lest Protestants think they are immune, their involvement in the ecumenical movement via Alpha, Purpose Driven, Emergent, W.O.F. etc, etc; those embracing Muslims, Hindus, Shamans, as the ‘brotherhood of man’ are stained with the same filth.

Anything that deviates from the simple truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is as much a part of the world religion as R.C. “Come apart and be separate” applies just as much to bit players as to the team leaders.

Ecumenism is the doorway into Rome’s pocket, the headquarters of ALL the christian denominations are hand in glove with Rome using ‘love and peace at all costs’ as their rallying cry.

Have you managed to get to the root of the video’s in the link yet? Why use error to support God’s Word when His Word does it perfectly without let or hindrance?
Johnchingford said...
Thanks again Wary for your contribution.

Yes, you summarised well what I was saying.

The reason I have used the videos is because they give us photographic evidence of the whore.

I accept that depending solely on the Word Of God is fully sufficient for us believers to declare truth.

However, the Bible does not give us photographic or archaelogical evidence. Having these help us to expose the truth about the Vatican.

The Bible does not say "the Roman Catholic Church is ....." because the Bible was written before the unravelling of the mystery of iniquity (Roman Catholic system)arose.

These are the best videos I have found, so far, which gives the conclusive evidence in a watchable way.

I saw your video and accept that the guy has some strange interpretations regarding the tribulation, but I cannot accept that he is not a christian brother.

Being such it is his duty (like all true born-again believers) to encourage, warn, edify. However, I will only publish the videos or writings that contain truth and will try to avoid error, particularly if it can damage our faith.
Johnchingford said...
Dear Wary, please check the front page of this posting. I already quoted on the blog front page(also included in your list):

"We can already see this in evidence now as the Vatican seems to be controlling all the hidden global movements in the world: the Bilderbergers and World Bank, The EU, the New Age Movement, Ecumenicalism (such as Word Faith, Emerging church, Purpose driven, New Frontiers, Vineyard, Alpha, Evangelical Alliance, Spring Harvest), False revivals like Todd Bentley etc to name just a few. More to come on this later."
7:44 pm, February 14, 2010

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