Tuesday, 12 March 2019

What True Biblical Fellowship is and Why It is Vital We Live It, In These Last Days

Saturday, 25 September 2010
Originally Posted 5 March 2010
Updated 12 Nov 2010 and 24 Aug 2011 (see bottom of this article)

Page 103

We are living in days of mass heresy and apostasy. This apostasy with much false teaching, seems to be everywhere with many Christians and church goers caught up in it. They are even ditching the Bible as the  guide and absolute authority in their lives and churches.  Therefore, they are unable to recognise or confront error, when it appears.

These things have even sprung up within (previously considered) sound churches or denominations. Therefore,  it is becoming increasingly difficult to find churches who are still firmly committed in preaching the undiluted Word Of God and living the scriptures. Because these things are so, true biblical fellowship with others (who share the same passion) is extremely difficult to find.

These churches seem far and few between.  However, for the sake of this article let us assume that the church you attend is sound in scriptural teaching and is practicing what scriptures teach. This article is for such a church.

The Body Of Christ And It’s Priorities
“That there should be no
schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured , all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ and members individually”  1 Cor 12:  25-27.

I have to say that of my 30 years as a Christian I have NEVER discovered a church so interwoven or intertwined with each other, that they are capable of practicing such things.
We may (occasionally) pray for those who are suffering if we learn about their situation and maybe even (on odd occasion) stretch out our hands to help. This may come out of a generous and compassionate heart, but in a lot of cases (if we are honest with ourselves) it comes because our consciences have been disturbed (through guilt) that we should do something, but not because we are deeply concerned for that person , through love. Also, we may respond occasionally, but these actions tend not to last very long or are not ongoing and is certainly not practiced any where near as much as it should be.

When we do help, are we motivated by love? Probably, the reason we do not do enough,  is because we really do not know each other well enough. We should be so interwoven with each other that we would be far more sensitive to the spoken or unspoken needs etc within the “family”. How can we step up to this level?

The fact of the matter is that believers are so caught up in their own lives and the “busyness” that this world forces upon them or even so caught up in “serving God” that they are unaware or unable to be concerned about the rest of the members. 

Many times we are not even aware of what is going on in individual’s lives. We cannot KNOW or care for each other well enough (even if we wanted to) because we are too busy in our own lives and we live too far away to be effective enough.

The above verses should impress upon us (because we are ONE body ie all joined together and belonging to each other) to seek how we can achieve this.  I believe the main reason why we are not performing as we should be (in the body) is because we have wrong priorities in our lives.

Where do our priorities lie?  Our jobs? Our families? Our bank accounts? Our sport and entertainment interests?  Our hobbies? Our personal goals, objectives and future plans?

The fact is that our priority should be to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”.  Our priority should be putting God and His purposes for our lives first ABOVE everything else!

What does God want?  It is for the church and its individual members to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him (2 Peter 3: 18), to become “one” in unity and love (John17: 21 and Philip2: 2), for individuals to become complete, fully equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3: 17), for the church to be witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:  8)  etc.:

The scripture is clear “DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD”. For the true born-again Christian, this world cannot offer anything worthwhile. Everything is pointless and passes away. The end result for everyone is death, so why get so caught up in something which will pass away? Seek those things which are above and stay focussed on that treasure. We are here to save the world from Hell is the reality. Therefore, we need each other to do that.

Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17: 21) (the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit Rom 14: 17).  This means that the church (ie all true born-again believers, working together) is God’s temporary kingdom on earth. We are the salt of the earth, we are the representation of Jesus on earth. We are ambassadors for Christ, We are called the BODY of CHRIST. Jesus is the king as head of His body. The church (if filled with the Holy Spirit) is the vehicle for Jesus ministering on the earth.

Therefore, if the above is the priority, we need to modify the way we think about our lives. We need to change the emphasis in our lives. Our life’s decisions should start with “how can I serve God and be a part of bringing salvation to a lost world? What does He want me to do?, what church does He want me to commit myself to?”.

Every other decision we make should revolve around those. This means that we should find accommodation as near as possible to where our church is and not where we work.  If our church is too far from our jobs, then we should seek the Lord in finding jobs within reasonable distance of our new homes. This is “kingdom” thinking. If the distance from your homes makes it impossible for you to be available for proper fellowship within the church that God has called you to (this term is explained below) then maybe you live too far away.

Our accommodation should be based on where our church is and not where we work. Very often we choose a church near to where we live (which is based on our jobs). So our lives revolve around our jobs rather than revolve around the kingdom of God.  Let’s get our perspectives right!

We cannot ignore any parts of scripture. If the BIBLE says it, we must follow it, no excuses or explaining it away. Let us examine our hearts when we try to explain away the clear teachings of scripture. Why are we doing this?  Because we don’t like what it says?

IT IS THE WORD OF GOD, whether we like it or not, or whether it makes sense to us at the moment.  We need to accept this Word and let it change our lives. We also need to compare scripture with scripture to ensure we do not build a doctrine around isolated verses, but get the whole teaching of scripture in context.

Some churches are excellent at exposing unsound doctrine, deception and heresies and teaching sound doctrine and because of this it is attracting those who are discerning believers whose eyes have been opened to the truth. However, it is not enough to be “hearers of the Word”, but to be doers of the word, also.  So let us also continue to not just expose but to LIVE the truth which includes LOVE for each other and TRUE body fellowship.

In the light of the above, we can no longer be indifferent to each other - we need each other and even more so, when we consider the “terrible times” we are in and the increase in confusion, deception, persecution and tribulation which lies ahead. 

The fact is that we are not behaving or fellowshipping as the true body of Christ when all we “do”  is  “services” and “meetings”. Let us rediscover how to fellowship with one another. We are going to need to rediscover true fellowship in the terrible days that lie ahead, We will find out (to our cost) that if we don’t learn it now, it may be too late, once persecution hits us. We need to start practicing it NOW!

So, let’s look at how the early church fellowshipped. What were their meetings/services like and how often did they meet?

How Did The Early Church Fellowship?

Acts 2: 42-47  “and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided then among all, as anyone had need, So continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, theyate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” (bold emphasis is mine).

Acts 4: 23-24   “And being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God  with one accord and ………”  (they prayed).

Acts 4: 32-35  “Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. Nor was there anyone among them who lacked, for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet and they distributed to each as anyone had need.”

Acts 5: 42  “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”

Heb 3: 13  “but exhort one another daily, while it is called “today”.

Acts 16: 25   “But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God”

1 John 1: 7  “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another

Acts 2: 1  “when the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place”

Philip 2: 2  “fulfil my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind
(all the bold emphasis above are mine).

What can we learn from the above and throughout the New Testament?  First of all,  the believers (or church) met together DAILY  (every day). They prayed, they sang, they were instructed in the scriptures, but they also met each other and had meals with each other regularly maybe every day. They were of ONE heart and  REALLY got to know each other. This is indicative by the phrase “in one accord”. This type of unity can only occur through knowing each other personally and intimately. Of course they would know each other that well because of the closeness of that fellowship – daily fellowshipping and daily encouraging one another.

Another thing we learn is that the church DID NOT hold formal meetings or services. Everything they did  seemed to be informal and spontaneous. No set liturgy or services. Paul and Silas had learnt that you do not switch on/off the atmosphere of worship/praise. They praised and sang to the Lord in the most dire of consequences because they were in constant relationship with the Lord. It was a matter of spontaneity from full hearts to informally praise the Lord. Jesus had said “where two or three of you are gathered together in My Name, there am I in your midst”.

Whenever the church was gathered together you do not read of a set ordered program. The purpose of gathering together was either to pray, be instructed in the Word, encourage and edify one another (everyone taking part). In fact in some cases it had become so chaotic that Paul had to write to them to tone it down – to bring some order out of chaos. This did not mean that every “service” (for want of better word) had to have the same format. Basically, they met together with a goal to achieve something. The impression you get is that they were all interacting with each other.  They were able to do this more effectively when they were of one heart and mind, in unity and were there in one accord.

The problem of the Western church is that it is either too worldly and social or too liturgical or ordered.  We need to readdress the importance of true fellowship.  We DO need to pray more together than we do, but maybe more informally. We DO need to maintain solid teaching and praising God in one accord, but we will be FAR MORE effective in results of prayer, teaching and praise if we first learn HOW to fellowship informally together. To REALLY get to know each other better.

Social events are therefore NOT to be ignored but also to be encouraged.  Social  events (let’s actually call it “friendship or fellowship events”)  are also spiritual if those attending are all full of the Holy Spirit. Meaning that “if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with each other” ie VERY spiritual.

So, What Is True Fellowship?

True fellowship, in the light of everything discussed above, starts with REALLY getting to know each other. It includescompanionship. Notice I quoted Acts 4: 23-24 above   “And being let go, they went to their own companions……….”

Jesus chose Peter, James and John as His closest companions out of the 12.   David had Jonathon,  Paul often said he was refreshed by the arrival of certain friends.  Fellowship is friendship, companionship, being bonded together.  It is being of one mind and heart, working together in unity to glorify the Lord,  spreading the good news, building each other up, encouraging each other daily, praying together intimately, sharing meals together daily. Seeing and fellowshipping every day.

This means, living close enough to each other so that we CAN see each other daily. Even if you do not feel the need to see your brother and sister daily, maybe they DO want to be able to see you. It also means supporting fellowship events as well as the “spiritual” events so that TOGETHER we may grow into unity.  True fellowship is “laying down your life for your friend” or brother. DO IT (AT LEAST) FOR YOUR BROTHER’s sake.
Note: all scripture is quoted from NKJV
Please see the following link (which is designed to help like minded Christians find each other in their locations, so that they can fellowship together):  Connecting True Biblical Christians Together In Fellowship   This link is where the continuation of this blog's fellowship related comments recommenced, ie: from this article to that article.

Edited section 12 Nov 2010
Please note That I am not saying that WE MUST meet together every day, but am trying to encourage us to see the importance of CLOSE fellowship. I am trying yo point out how close the early church were with each other and how they did it. Basically, they used every possible opportunity to be together, equipping, edifying, encouraging and strengthening one another to be witnesses in the midst of a hostile world (much like things are now becoming) helping each other to grow in faith etc.

During November 2010 I found excellent links from groups across the world who are teaching much the same things as this article. But, before I show the links, I need to thoroughly check them out before I encourage you to contact them. I will update you about this later.

For the meanwhile please watch these videos/ They are all 10 mins long and follow one after each other as 6 parts.


I would welcome your feedback on these videos. I have to admit I still have some reservations with what they are doing and what was said by one speaker, but generally it seems to be far more biblical and sounder than anything else i have found, so far.

Updated 24 Aug 2011
I have contacted one of the guys on those videos. The one from England.
I have written many emails to him and also met him personally. I have spent time evaluating what he/they are all about and then consulted a wise/discerning Christian contact about the things they are saying. Through this persons help we raised some very important questions about what they do/believe. I was shocked by the answers I got from them.  I will copy parts of our final email (which I never got a reply to) below. 

Based on these things, I cannot approve the above videos. However, I will still leave them here, for now, because I am keen for others to write their impressions, here.
These were our observations on email:

1) I cannot find any biblical teaching given apart from what the Bible teaches on "being a biblical church". I am wondering if you teach the whole Bible in your meetings, ie from Genesis to Revelation on other subjects?  You also seem to be supportive of Watchman Nee's teachings on fellowship?

2) No one leads the meetings,  no order or structure but experience on feelings, no systematic teaching?

3) You state that Churches thrash things out ‘consensually’??????.  This is SO PD!  Truth is truth when the group decide it is; that is horrific!  This is emergent talk. So, a little leaven is allowed to leaven the whole lump without being dealt with SCRIPTURALLY? Surely the Bible instructs us what to do, not consensus of opinion!

4) Yes elders are ‘recognised’ by their gift, not appointed.  BUT and elder MUST be an able teacher and lead by example in the Word.  You muddle the ministry of elders with the ministry of Deacon the functional ‘carers’.

5) You say that the NT church did not have the scriptures. Actually the NT Church DID have the ‘canon’.  In addition to the OT, The Epistles and Letters were copied and freely distributed. The official canon was merely to recognise what was already known and accepted and systemised to root out the Gnostic writing that had begun in the post NT era.

7) YES the Apostles and Prophets did have a unique infallible anointing by the HS.  And yet, just like PD you say it like it SHOULD be, then puts in a codicil. “There is SUBJECTIVE  revelation”  This is exactly what is wrong with emergent.  NOT!  To hear from the Lord is still to be led by His written word.  Subjective revelation is experiential.  The leading of the Holy Spirit is NOT subjective revelation. This  is emergent.

8) Trans local ministries a role for the apostle?  Sharing the ministries with other groups – today? I find that highly suspect.  EVERY BELIEVER DOES have a ‘hot line’ to God!  He is called The Holy Spirit.

9) Although you are opposed to the heavy shepherding of the house church movement and the Latter rain way of apostolic ministry, you still believe in Apostolic ministry for our day, despite that  Paul and Acts states that an Apostle has to be an eyewitness of the Life of Jesus.

10) Your focus of what church should be seems only based on the book of Acts but not on all the NT letters.

To use "consensus of opinion" to determine truth  (eg that it is okay for the children to watch Harry Potter) is the most serious error in your teaching. If the majority of the church , say, is unspiritual, then their consensus will lead the whole church into sin.
Posted by John Chingford at 7:13 pm http://www.blogger.com/img/icon18_email.gif
Tony Cox said...
This was truly a great post. I would like to share this with others. Thank you.
John Chingford said...
Yes, please do.
Tony Cox said...
I live in the US in the Philadelphia, PA area. I am hoping there is someone out there who may be interested in contacting me so that I may share with and learn from you.

Please respond if you are or, if you know someone.

Thank you.
John Chingford said...
As unaldulterated biblical teaching (without mixed in leaven) is hard to find in these days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to have REAL Christian fellowship. It seems that something needs to be done (differently) in order for true believers to fellowship together.

As an experiment I would like you to do as Tony has done so that we can find like-minded believers in our local areas to fellowship with.

Please feel free to advertise here on this post.

Let's see how this develops. Hopefully I will become inundated with replies. However, it may or may not become out of control. We will have to see, but I am willing to test it out.
John Chingford said...
Is there anybody living in Philadelphia PA area, who could recommend a sound church for Tony.
kiwi said...
Cheers John,
What a great post !

I feel exactly the same as you. I was brought up in the C of E and since 2001 have not been to church because of the lack of true biblical teaching.

I can't find a church nearby that isn't tainted by new age or ecumenical links. I have been looking for a Messianic Assembly but have not been successful. I read the bible and thankfully have internet access to continue my studies.

Lately I have felt very strongly that I am led to start preparations of saving dried foods and water. Some may say wait on the Lord and some say God will provide manna for His own when the tribulation begins but I honestly believe that God is guiding people to retreat from the world and prepare.

There will be Christians who will be on the run and will need a safe place once the ac is on the rampage. Noah prepared well in advance in order to preserve his family and the world's animals. We should prepare to preserve Yah's people as the time is growing short when the world will be suddenly stunned when Yahweh intervenes and orders the angel to throw down the censer. I follow Bob Mitchell's blog and clicked from there. I like your way of thinking about how Yahshua wants us to live and worship. Tony Blair has blood on his hands and this faith foundation is inspired by the evil one. I would like to stay in touch as events get closer.

I live outside of Cardiff in a fairly remote place but if you know of any church that I could fit into I would be very grateful.
John Chingford said...
Hi Kiwi

I do not know of any messianic fellowships in Cardiff but the nearest one I can find (recommended by Moriel Ministries)is in Bristol as follows:

Keynsham Bristol (Misgav Ladach)

Tony Lewis 0117-9405715.

Would this help?

If this doesn't help please contact Moriel direct MorielCarol@yahoo.com

They may be able to recommend a good church or Christians within your area.
kiwi said...
Thanks John,
I'll certainly contact them thankyou for the contact.
Expected Imminently said...
Hello John

I noticed there have been no further comments here for close to six months. This may be a good time to consider the following and not get downhearted.

I heard theologian Bob Dewaay speak on what Biblical fellowship is, or rather what it isn't.
This isn't verbatum, but the gist of what he said was that - 'Most think of Christian fellowship as what believers can physically 'do' together. It isn't that at all, it is the fact of who we are in Christ, we are in fellowship together because of the Blood of Jesus Christ - this is why we cannot be in fellowship with the world'. Have a coffee or a game of tennis, even work with the world, but never the fellowship that is only through Christ.

God bless Sue
John Chingford said...
Hi EI, Thanks for that

Before I respond I just want to inform that the continuation of the comments to this article continued "Connecting True Biblical Christians Together In Fellowship" This is where the continuation of this blog's fellowship related comments recommenced, ie: from this article to that article - although feel free to use either from now on.

Having said that: even on that article it discontinued (maybe because it became an old item) about 4 months ago.

In response to your fellowship comment.

You are right that fellowship is with Jesus and fellowship with one another is through Jesus as 1 John 1:3-6 says. However, much of 1 John goes on to discuss the "hows" of feloowship like "loving each other". It is clear from the scriptures, that fellowship with one another requires close communication. How can you love one another sufficiently from a distance or how can you meet their physically needs eg when they need physical help which they cannot do on their own, like if they are ill.

Paul said how much he was refreshed by having fellowship with individuals - he mentions them by name. The truth is that we all need to be refreshed by each other. Even a cuddle or a smile, hearing a kind gentle word IS refreshing and encouraging. These things cannot be done from a distance or over the internet properly.
John Chingford said...
Hi Guys,

I have added some more information within this article. Specifically, I have added some videos showing the New Reformation of House Churches NTRF of USA which seem to be addressing the issues I wrote about within this article and making real fellowship possible.

They are not part of the New Apostolic Restoration (NAR) but are those who are trying to be a New Testament church biblically, separated from that false organisations.

However, they use the term "doing church" which the emerging church use, but I cannot find any evidence of "emerging church" within the videos.

I would appreciate any feedback you have, especially those of you who are in the USA.
John Chingford said...
Hi everyone

Further to my last comment of 9 months ago regarding those videos.

I have contacted one of the guys on those videos. The one from England.
I have written many emails to him and also met him personally.

I have also spent much time evaluating what he/they are all about and then consulted a wise/discerning Christian contact about the things they are saying.

Through this persons help we raised some very important questions about what they do and what they believe.

We were shocked by the answers we got from them. I will copy parts of our final email (which I never got a reply to) below.

Based on these things, I can no longer approve the videos. However, I will still leave them here, for now, because I am keen for others to tell me their impressions, here.

Anyway, these were the crux of our final questions on email based on our complete observations. These questions will highlight their error and why they could turn out to be dangerous:

1) I cannot find any other biblical teaching on your site and videos, given apart from what the Bible teaches on "being a biblical church". I am wondering if you teach the whole Bible in your meetings, ie from Genesis to Revelation on other subjects? You also seem to be supportive of Watchman Nee's teachings on fellowship?

2) No one leads the meetings, no order or structure but experience on feelings, no systematic teaching?

3) You state that Churches thrash things out ‘consensually’??????. This is SO PD! Truth is truth when the group decide it is; that is horrific! This is emergent talk. So, a little leaven is allowed to leaven the whole lump without being dealt with SCRIPTURALLY? Surely the Bible instructs us what to do, not consensus of opinion!

4) Yes elders are ‘recognised’ by their gift, not appointed. BUT and elder MUST be an able teacher and lead by example in the Word. You muddle the ministry of elders with the ministry of Deacon the functional ‘carers’.

5) You say that the NT church did not have the scriptures. Actually the NT Church DID have the ‘canon’. In addition to the OT, The Epistles and Letters were copied and freely distributed. The official canon was merely to recognise what was already known and accepted and systemised to root out the Gnostic writing that had begun in the post NT era.

7) YES the Apostles and Prophets did have a unique infallible anointing by the HS. And yet, just like PD you say it like it SHOULD be, then puts in a codicil. “There is SUBJECTIVE revelation” This is exactly what is wrong with emergent. NOT! To hear from the Lord is still to be led by His written word. Subjective revelation is experiential. The leading of the Holy Spirit is NOT subjective revelation. This is emergent.

8) Trans local ministries a role for the apostle? Sharing the ministries with other groups – today? I find that highly suspect. EVERY BELIEVER DOES have a ‘hot line’ to God! He is called The Holy Spirit.

9) Although you are opposed to the heavy shepherding of the house church movement and the Latter rain way of apostolic ministry, you still believe in Apostolic ministry for our day, despite that Paul and Acts states that an Apostle has to be an eyewitness of the Life of Jesus.

10) Your focus of what church should be seems only based on the book of Acts but not on all the NT letters.

To use "consensus of opinion" to determine truth (eg that it is okay for the children to watch Harry Potter) is the most serious error in your teaching. If the majority of the church , say, is unspiritual, then their consensus will lead the whole church into sin.
IntoHisFullness said...
Greetings John C in the name of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I thought this was wonderfully written. And it is exactly how I have been taught of the Lord on how the "True Body of Christ" must meet and to minister to one another. Ministering to the Body of Christ is First, then the sinners in the world, as the Holy Spirit guides us.

I consider each day to be the Sabbath, in other words "His Rest" and as we are abiding in Him, we are at one in Him, and are Holy in Him. We don't need just one day to worship, we worship Him each day, and trust Him to guide us in our daily duties.

I just want to state that when the Lord saved me some 36 years ago, I being a babe in Christ was introduced to a community of believers, the name of this group was called "His Rest". I was only about 2-3 months into the New Birth of Christ when I was introduced to this group. We lived together and supported the Leader who was a woman with her son. We were about 13-14 people living in one house. It was wonderful to be surrounded by other believers on a continual basis, but there was some major problems with such close contact. We never had much individual alone time, always slept with other people, and there were other major issues such as being led by a woman, and I was taught "doctrine of demons". It was a cult, which I departed from back in the early 80's. I won't get into the details, but this I've learned "familiarity breeds contempt".

Everything needs to be done and sanctioned through the Holy Spirit, persons private lives must be respected, and shepherding is not a biblical stance. No one person can have authority over the Lord's sheep, we each are accountable to the Lord, boundaries are a necessity in such a situation.

I just wanted to share some of my experiences that I have learned by. I'm not saying no to any part of your findings, but it has to be approached with much wisdom, and patience.

Now I would like to state, in reference to Kiwi and your response to her. That I have had involvement with a number of Messianic groups here in Canada, and in the US. And there are major doctrinal issues that are wrapped up within these groups. Most that I've been involve with are tied into other groups that are ecumenical, and their worship music is not of the spirit. They also do not follow the New Testament way of fellowship. It's your typical status-quo of doing "church", with tithing which is un-scriptural in it's foundation.

I can give more detail if you so desire especially concerning the Moriel Ministries with Jacob Prasch. I do not support that group whatsoever.

You are the second web-site that I've come across that are revealing the true purpose of the "Body of Christ" and how it's to function, I thank the Lord more are realizing this truth. I've been out of the "church" system for over ten plus years. But I do manage to have fellowship with believers via Skype and some here in Montreal (brethren), but the pickings are sparse.

The Lord bless you abundantly.....
John Chingford said...
Thanks IHF

You may have noticed in my articles, over the last 2 years, how I have also become aware of how many messianic Jews organisations are ecumenical. Some of these may be ignorantly ecumenical but others are blatant, such as Jews For Jesus and Chosen People Ministries.

You may have noticed that I no longer support Jacob Prasch and Moriel Ministries for a lot of reasons. Please read my article on:


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