Sunday, 7 November 2010
Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church
Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome
Updated 6 Dec 2010 and 20 Jan
Page 69
If you click on the following shortcut
link you will see an older article (which this new article is based upon).
However, that older article List and Details On Other
False Teachers and Prophets needed
revision and was edited on 6 Dec 2010 .
Please note: On 6 Dec 2010 I finally completed my own
list (after very extensive research of many weeks) of false church
leaders as per List Of False Christian Leaders, False Teachers Prophets
indicated By The False Organisations They Belong To This work is not yet completed.
There will be subsequent articles which will give sound reasons why they are false, by giving a general history of the faulty organisations they represent. I have now removed my earlier lists (as given by the RR site) because it was too questionable.
Whilst working on this project I had to look at the recent history (behind the scenes) of how apostasy enveloped the churches within the 20th to 21st Centuries. The aim is to
show the apostate organisations and then list the main leaders within these organisations. From that list you would then be able to make decisions on individual leaders based on their associations or the bad company they keep.
The more I have investigated into these things, the more I realise I am opening a massive can of worms which reveal vast networks closely knitted together within each group and some of these networked groups are attached to the other false organisations . For example, some of groups within The Restoration Movement and Pentecostal movement have links with the Word Faith organisations.
This is becoming something so large, it is difficult to put together within just one article. It would need a volume of books to explain and prove it sufficiently. However, I will attempt to give as brief a summary as possible (with helpful links) and try to present it in a very readable way, within maybe just a few articles which will be linked together.
I wanted to know if there was a common ground which linked these false organisations together. I knew that they are all ecumenical and are co-workers with Rome (The Vatican controlled Catholic Church). But then I discovered something more intriguing which links them with Rome. These groups ALL embrace the
Dominionist theology (which is a terrible distortion of Biblical Truth) also known as Kingdom Now.
This theology basically believes that the role of the church is to disciple the whole world into submission to the Church. It teaches that the Millennium is all about the Church reigning on the Earth for a figurative period of 1000 years. Once the church controls the Earth by incorporating Old Testament Laws (in a New Testament setting) Jesus will return and NOT before. So the onus is on us to set up the kingdom. Therefore, it teaches that the church has replaced Israel and that God has no future purpose for them. It does not believe in a rapture. Please check out these links which explain more:
Note: I am just quoting useful information and evidence from these sites - it does not mean I endorse all their articles. I am only endorsing the articles I have listed. This is the same rule throughout this article and throughout the whole blog
To show how unscriptural those teachings are let us (for a moment) consider what the NT teaches.
Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world, otherwise my servants would fight for it". The NT says "our citizenship is not on the Earth". Jesus said "you are not of the world". Paul wrote "seek those things which are above, not those things on Earth". John wrote "he who loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" There are many passages which talk about Jesus returning to set up the kingdom HIMSELF and that Jesus would reign on the Earth WITH His church.
It would take me too long (within this brief article) to prove how VERY false and heretical the doctrine of Dominionism and Kingdon Now, is. Those who preach it (which are a vast and rapidly growing number within the protestant church - possibly now in the majority) are also teaching extra biblical material to prove their point. They no longer have respect for the Bible as the authoritative and inspired Word of God and distort its words, misapply scripture, take verses way out of context and basically handle it dishonestly. They ignore the parts of the Bible which oppose their doctrines etc etc.
Who first preached Dominionism? Do the above sentences above remind you of anything? Yes, you are right! The Catholic Church (since 325AD) instigated this theology in an attempt to Romanise the World bringing it into submission to the Catholic Church.
Instead of preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ in love, mercy and forgiveness, they FORCED conversions and on many occasions by a reign of terror (eg the crusades and Spanish Inquisition). They prostituted themselves with the World by compromising and being conformed into its image rather than into the image of Jesus. Instead of being a church which displayed the life of Christ it displayed the deadly life of the World and evil. John wrote that "he who loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" It incorporated Babylonic paganism within its worship and "christianised" these practices.
It is not only clear that Dominionism is unscriptural and heretical (because it adds "works" as a requisite to salvation - apart from Jesus) but it doesn't work! Instead of the world becoming like Christ, through the Church, the church actually becomes like the world through compromise or ruthless tactics. When we look at the rise of Dominionism (within Protestant evangelical churches) during the last 50 years or so, you will see that they are following the same root that the Catholic church took of compromise and worldliness.
So what links ecumenism together? Those that preach Dominionistic doctrine are linked together by that doctrine, because all these groups want the same things "power and authority to govern the whole world".
It therefore makes sense that these groups will link together in ecumenism and work together. This is exactly what Rick Warren is doing right now! There is actually some evidence (some of which has already been posted within this blog) to show that the Vatican probably instigated these false protestant groups for purpose of infiltrating churches to bring them back to Rome. The Vatican II ecumenical statements of around 1963 show that they want to bring all the "separated brethren" back into the Catholic fold. Through the Jesuits they will do whatever is necessary to make this happen. Their intention is to bring in "counter reformation".
Besides it was the Catholic Church who practised Dominionist teaching for many centuries before the protestant reformation took place. This teaching has been reintroduced over the last 50 or so years into the Protestant church and mostly through Latter Rain, Restoration movement (and all its subsequent organisations and networks under the umbrella of "New Apostolic Reformation" [aka NAR] ), Word Of Faith and Emerging Church (including New Calvinism). Who introduced it? Was it by infiltration of the RC?
Anyway, the purpose of this article is to be a "behind the scenes" introduction to my next article (still in progress) which will describe the recent history of the protestant church since the early 1900's and how it became apostate through a number of ways but mostly through embracing the false Dominion Doctrine. It will have a brief look at each group, showing why it is apostate and (as mentioned above) list the leaders of these groups. Those future articles in this series, will be listed at the very bottom of this article with their shortcut links, as and when they become available.
For the meanwhile I will leave you with these links which give us the recent history: part 1
There will be subsequent articles which will give sound reasons why they are false, by giving a general history of the faulty organisations they represent. I have now removed my earlier lists (as given by the RR site) because it was too questionable.
Whilst working on this project I had to look at the recent history (behind the scenes) of how apostasy enveloped the churches within the 20th to 21st Centuries. The aim is to
show the apostate organisations and then list the main leaders within these organisations. From that list you would then be able to make decisions on individual leaders based on their associations or the bad company they keep.
The more I have investigated into these things, the more I realise I am opening a massive can of worms which reveal vast networks closely knitted together within each group and some of these networked groups are attached to the other false organisations . For example, some of groups within The Restoration Movement and Pentecostal movement have links with the Word Faith organisations.
This is becoming something so large, it is difficult to put together within just one article. It would need a volume of books to explain and prove it sufficiently. However, I will attempt to give as brief a summary as possible (with helpful links) and try to present it in a very readable way, within maybe just a few articles which will be linked together.
I wanted to know if there was a common ground which linked these false organisations together. I knew that they are all ecumenical and are co-workers with Rome (The Vatican controlled Catholic Church). But then I discovered something more intriguing which links them with Rome. These groups ALL embrace the
Dominionist theology (which is a terrible distortion of Biblical Truth) also known as Kingdom Now.
This theology basically believes that the role of the church is to disciple the whole world into submission to the Church. It teaches that the Millennium is all about the Church reigning on the Earth for a figurative period of 1000 years. Once the church controls the Earth by incorporating Old Testament Laws (in a New Testament setting) Jesus will return and NOT before. So the onus is on us to set up the kingdom. Therefore, it teaches that the church has replaced Israel and that God has no future purpose for them. It does not believe in a rapture. Please check out these links which explain more:
Note: I am just quoting useful information and evidence from these sites - it does not mean I endorse all their articles. I am only endorsing the articles I have listed. This is the same rule throughout this article and throughout the whole blog
To show how unscriptural those teachings are let us (for a moment) consider what the NT teaches.
Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world, otherwise my servants would fight for it". The NT says "our citizenship is not on the Earth". Jesus said "you are not of the world". Paul wrote "seek those things which are above, not those things on Earth". John wrote "he who loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" There are many passages which talk about Jesus returning to set up the kingdom HIMSELF and that Jesus would reign on the Earth WITH His church.
It would take me too long (within this brief article) to prove how VERY false and heretical the doctrine of Dominionism and Kingdon Now, is. Those who preach it (which are a vast and rapidly growing number within the protestant church - possibly now in the majority) are also teaching extra biblical material to prove their point. They no longer have respect for the Bible as the authoritative and inspired Word of God and distort its words, misapply scripture, take verses way out of context and basically handle it dishonestly. They ignore the parts of the Bible which oppose their doctrines etc etc.
Who first preached Dominionism? Do the above sentences above remind you of anything? Yes, you are right! The Catholic Church (since 325AD) instigated this theology in an attempt to Romanise the World bringing it into submission to the Catholic Church.
Instead of preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ in love, mercy and forgiveness, they FORCED conversions and on many occasions by a reign of terror (eg the crusades and Spanish Inquisition). They prostituted themselves with the World by compromising and being conformed into its image rather than into the image of Jesus. Instead of being a church which displayed the life of Christ it displayed the deadly life of the World and evil. John wrote that "he who loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" It incorporated Babylonic paganism within its worship and "christianised" these practices.
It is not only clear that Dominionism is unscriptural and heretical (because it adds "works" as a requisite to salvation - apart from Jesus) but it doesn't work! Instead of the world becoming like Christ, through the Church, the church actually becomes like the world through compromise or ruthless tactics. When we look at the rise of Dominionism (within Protestant evangelical churches) during the last 50 years or so, you will see that they are following the same root that the Catholic church took of compromise and worldliness.
So what links ecumenism together? Those that preach Dominionistic doctrine are linked together by that doctrine, because all these groups want the same things "power and authority to govern the whole world".
It therefore makes sense that these groups will link together in ecumenism and work together. This is exactly what Rick Warren is doing right now! There is actually some evidence (some of which has already been posted within this blog) to show that the Vatican probably instigated these false protestant groups for purpose of infiltrating churches to bring them back to Rome. The Vatican II ecumenical statements of around 1963 show that they want to bring all the "separated brethren" back into the Catholic fold. Through the Jesuits they will do whatever is necessary to make this happen. Their intention is to bring in "counter reformation".
Besides it was the Catholic Church who practised Dominionist teaching for many centuries before the protestant reformation took place. This teaching has been reintroduced over the last 50 or so years into the Protestant church and mostly through Latter Rain, Restoration movement (and all its subsequent organisations and networks under the umbrella of "New Apostolic Reformation" [aka NAR] ), Word Of Faith and Emerging Church (including New Calvinism). Who introduced it? Was it by infiltration of the RC?
Anyway, the purpose of this article is to be a "behind the scenes" introduction to my next article (still in progress) which will describe the recent history of the protestant church since the early 1900's and how it became apostate through a number of ways but mostly through embracing the false Dominion Doctrine. It will have a brief look at each group, showing why it is apostate and (as mentioned above) list the leaders of these groups. Those future articles in this series, will be listed at the very bottom of this article with their shortcut links, as and when they become available.
For the meanwhile I will leave you with these links which give us the recent history: part 1
Also check out the following links
which are the Oaths of Jesuits and Catholic Priests:
Updated 6 Dec 2010 and 20 Jan 2011
Please click on these following two
links which are part 2 of this series.
and for part 3 please click this
Labels: Ecumenical Movement Is
Apostate Why, Ecumenical Organisations
Specific Info, False Teachers and
Prophets, Heresy Watch, Info On Specific
Ecumenical Organisations, Rise Of Apostasy
Expected Imminently said...
Hello John
This and your previous articles have spurred me on to understand more about Israel than ever before. I know all the basic prophecies, but frankly little depth about God's elected Jewish nation of Israel.
I cannot say too much at the moment, because I am still working things through before The Lord. Its been a few weeks now, and I have had a couple of 'eureks' moments, but still need to get some facts right. I am reasonably confident it will fit into this particular article?
Please do not think the result of my study will be profound, more likely I am about the last to understand what most others already know, but it is really special to me, and I am excited at how The Lord is lifting the veil bit by bit.
He refuses to let me rush, and is answering my prayer to help me understand.
Anyway, this is really just to let you know that I have been reading and considering your article, even though I haven't writen much.
When I think I am ready, I would be grateful if you check it out for me if you decide to publish it. I may email it first (if it works). I am sure it won't be a very long piece, more of a 'pulling it together'. Sorry if this sounds mysterious, not meant to be.
God bless, keep at it.
Every blessing
This and your previous articles have spurred me on to understand more about Israel than ever before. I know all the basic prophecies, but frankly little depth about God's elected Jewish nation of Israel.
I cannot say too much at the moment, because I am still working things through before The Lord. Its been a few weeks now, and I have had a couple of 'eureks' moments, but still need to get some facts right. I am reasonably confident it will fit into this particular article?
Please do not think the result of my study will be profound, more likely I am about the last to understand what most others already know, but it is really special to me, and I am excited at how The Lord is lifting the veil bit by bit.
He refuses to let me rush, and is answering my prayer to help me understand.
Anyway, this is really just to let you know that I have been reading and considering your article, even though I haven't writen much.
When I think I am ready, I would be grateful if you check it out for me if you decide to publish it. I may email it first (if it works). I am sure it won't be a very long piece, more of a 'pulling it together'. Sorry if this sounds mysterious, not meant to be.
God bless, keep at it.
Every blessing
Anonymous said...
I find that the "Kingdom Now Theology"
often has the tendency to be anti-semitic. The church age believer feels
superior somehow to the Jews, forgetting that we are only grafted into the
root, which is Israel. In studying this past year with a great Bible study
group, I have come to the conclusion that 90% of Scripture was written to, for
and about the Jews and it is a very Jewish Book. I like to call myself a
Messianic Gentile. LOL!!!
John Chingford said...
Hi Anonymous
Is this your first time on my blog? If so, you are very welcome. Thanks for contributing.
You are absolutely correct because Kingdom Now preach "replacementism" ie that God has finished with Israel and the Jews. They preach that all the promises, prophecies etc throughout the whole Bible are NOW only applicable to the church and to the believers. They teach "wherever you see the word Israel change it to say 'the church' ".
Obviously, with this sort of teaching it will generate ant-semitism and the cry "Jesus killers". I will probably be saying more on this in my next article on this series. They also say that the State of Israel is a political accident and that it should be returned to the Palestinians. This movement is strongly supportive of the Palestinians, over and above Israel.
There may be individuals within this movement who support the State of Israel, but the general thrust of Dominionism and Kingdom Now is a hatred of Israel.
Is this your first time on my blog? If so, you are very welcome. Thanks for contributing.
You are absolutely correct because Kingdom Now preach "replacementism" ie that God has finished with Israel and the Jews. They preach that all the promises, prophecies etc throughout the whole Bible are NOW only applicable to the church and to the believers. They teach "wherever you see the word Israel change it to say 'the church' ".
Obviously, with this sort of teaching it will generate ant-semitism and the cry "Jesus killers". I will probably be saying more on this in my next article on this series. They also say that the State of Israel is a political accident and that it should be returned to the Palestinians. This movement is strongly supportive of the Palestinians, over and above Israel.
There may be individuals within this movement who support the State of Israel, but the general thrust of Dominionism and Kingdom Now is a hatred of Israel.
Expected Imminently said...
Hello Anonymous
This is so good to hear. I cannot explain properly but I am convinced The Holy Spirit is making a strong move in this area. The enemy has come in as an anti-Semitic flood so He has raised a standard to combat it. Do you know what I mean?
YES! God’s elected people, the NATION of Israel “is divinely preferred by God in light of His ‘ETERNAL purpose for them and the Bible demonstrates this preference in that FIVE SIXTHS of the Bible concerns Israel directly or indirectly”. The physical NATION of Israel’s destiny is traced through history and prophecy and on into the 1000yr Messianic Kingdom upon EARTH when ALL Israel will be saved (who survive the Trib). Her promised land of greater Israel, will at last be realised, and she will be ruled from Jerusalem by the resurrected King David, this follows on into the ETERNAL state.
The Church, a mix of Jew and Gentile, are also an ELECTED people BUT it is important to recognise clearly that the Church is not a NATION, she is not promised land because she is not of the world. Her citizenship is in heaven. Her election is quite different to that of physical Israel. She will rule the Gentile nations of the earth under Jesus who rules as King of Kings over ALL the earth. The thing is; the Church will not be ‘physical’ as Israel is; at that time she will be in her resurrected and glorified bodies as a result of the Rapture. So there are the elect of physical Israel and the elect of the spiritual Church.
There, I have said more than I intended as I am not ‘there’ yet, and still have a way to go concerning all the Covenants. Have to say I am fair BURSTING fit to bust with it all. It is so rare for me to get excited, but I am over this. :D
I understand fully you wanting to remain ‘anonymous’ but would you consider putting down your initials or perhaps MG for ‘Messianic Gentile’ so we can tell you apart from other anony mousses/mice/meeces?
Every blessing
PS. Sorry no Scriptures presented, this is only a brief summary of where I am at. I DO have Scriptural confirmation. I’ll get there.
This is so good to hear. I cannot explain properly but I am convinced The Holy Spirit is making a strong move in this area. The enemy has come in as an anti-Semitic flood so He has raised a standard to combat it. Do you know what I mean?
YES! God’s elected people, the NATION of Israel “is divinely preferred by God in light of His ‘ETERNAL purpose for them and the Bible demonstrates this preference in that FIVE SIXTHS of the Bible concerns Israel directly or indirectly”. The physical NATION of Israel’s destiny is traced through history and prophecy and on into the 1000yr Messianic Kingdom upon EARTH when ALL Israel will be saved (who survive the Trib). Her promised land of greater Israel, will at last be realised, and she will be ruled from Jerusalem by the resurrected King David, this follows on into the ETERNAL state.
The Church, a mix of Jew and Gentile, are also an ELECTED people BUT it is important to recognise clearly that the Church is not a NATION, she is not promised land because she is not of the world. Her citizenship is in heaven. Her election is quite different to that of physical Israel. She will rule the Gentile nations of the earth under Jesus who rules as King of Kings over ALL the earth. The thing is; the Church will not be ‘physical’ as Israel is; at that time she will be in her resurrected and glorified bodies as a result of the Rapture. So there are the elect of physical Israel and the elect of the spiritual Church.
There, I have said more than I intended as I am not ‘there’ yet, and still have a way to go concerning all the Covenants. Have to say I am fair BURSTING fit to bust with it all. It is so rare for me to get excited, but I am over this. :D
I understand fully you wanting to remain ‘anonymous’ but would you consider putting down your initials or perhaps MG for ‘Messianic Gentile’ so we can tell you apart from other anony mousses/mice/meeces?
Every blessing
PS. Sorry no Scriptures presented, this is only a brief summary of where I am at. I DO have Scriptural confirmation. I’ll get there.
Expected Imminently said...
Hello John
The following isn’t ‘new’ information; but worth reminding ourselves where all this error is coming from (apart from Satan that is) and to be alert at all times testing everything with Scripture. Above all to seek The Lord for guidance in prayer and thanksgiving!
Jeremiah 31 The New Covenant.
This error of teaching TWO, New Covenant’s has caused confusion, and the reason why the heretical Kingdom Now and Dominionism has been able to gain ground. They are claiming Israel’s PHYSICAL blessing’s for the Church and attempting to build God’s Kingdom (of Heaven) on the earth. Jesus clearly said ‘My Kingdom is not of earth’ and these apostate beliefs are little more than ‘land grabbing’ and destined to come severely unstuck.
Israel’s physical blessings; include a land which the Church is NOT promised, nor the rules of government that goes with ruling a physical nation. While the Church is benefitting from Israel’s SPIRITUAL blessings through Jesus Christ; the New Covenant was made with Israel, and it is NOT being fulfilled through the Church. It is yet future and destined for physical Israel (survivors of the Tribulation) during the1000yr Messianic rule.
Dispensationalism which interprets the Scriptures normally, insisting upon context; was developed to counteract Rome’s allegorical method of interpreting the Bible. Calvin developed ‘Covenant Theology’ based on a Covenant of Grace and Work’s using Rome’s allegorical interpretation.
Today, Dispensationalism itself is being shaken and sieved as some force the ‘pendulum’ to swing far right or left imposing extreme views of doctrine upon the unsuspecting Bible student.
Correct interpretation of The Word of God is fundamental toward keeping on the narrow path of His Truth. The Bible records the Prophets, Jesus and the Disciples reading The Word in a normal, literal method. Although God uses over 200 literary devices, including allegory, in the Bible it is vital that we recognise that God’s allegory (picture language) NEVER changes the meaning of a passage, it is used only for emphasise, not to alter doctrine; Scripture itself provides the explanation when required. This failure in keeping to the correct interpretation (hermeneutic) is the other reason for Kingdom Now and all the other faulty ‘ism’s’ invading the Church of Jesus Christ in these last days.
The following isn’t ‘new’ information; but worth reminding ourselves where all this error is coming from (apart from Satan that is) and to be alert at all times testing everything with Scripture. Above all to seek The Lord for guidance in prayer and thanksgiving!
Jeremiah 31 The New Covenant.
This error of teaching TWO, New Covenant’s has caused confusion, and the reason why the heretical Kingdom Now and Dominionism has been able to gain ground. They are claiming Israel’s PHYSICAL blessing’s for the Church and attempting to build God’s Kingdom (of Heaven) on the earth. Jesus clearly said ‘My Kingdom is not of earth’ and these apostate beliefs are little more than ‘land grabbing’ and destined to come severely unstuck.
Israel’s physical blessings; include a land which the Church is NOT promised, nor the rules of government that goes with ruling a physical nation. While the Church is benefitting from Israel’s SPIRITUAL blessings through Jesus Christ; the New Covenant was made with Israel, and it is NOT being fulfilled through the Church. It is yet future and destined for physical Israel (survivors of the Tribulation) during the1000yr Messianic rule.
Dispensationalism which interprets the Scriptures normally, insisting upon context; was developed to counteract Rome’s allegorical method of interpreting the Bible. Calvin developed ‘Covenant Theology’ based on a Covenant of Grace and Work’s using Rome’s allegorical interpretation.
Today, Dispensationalism itself is being shaken and sieved as some force the ‘pendulum’ to swing far right or left imposing extreme views of doctrine upon the unsuspecting Bible student.
Correct interpretation of The Word of God is fundamental toward keeping on the narrow path of His Truth. The Bible records the Prophets, Jesus and the Disciples reading The Word in a normal, literal method. Although God uses over 200 literary devices, including allegory, in the Bible it is vital that we recognise that God’s allegory (picture language) NEVER changes the meaning of a passage, it is used only for emphasise, not to alter doctrine; Scripture itself provides the explanation when required. This failure in keeping to the correct interpretation (hermeneutic) is the other reason for Kingdom Now and all the other faulty ‘ism’s’ invading the Church of Jesus Christ in these last days.
John Chingford said...
Thanks EI for these contributions
I agree with almost everything you have said apart from one point. The New Covenant WAS (as you say) primarily directed towards Israel, but remember Paul wrote that the gentiles have been grafted in and share in the blessings.
Paul wrote "the law of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the Law of sin and death". He was applying this to himself and the gentiles within the Roman church.
The New Covenant contains the "Law written on our hearts". We (as gentile believers) ARE experiencing this law in our hearts, ie "the law of the spirit of life" and we DO and CAN know the Lord. "For all shall know Him".
So, whilst I agree the final outworking of this will happen for Israel as indicated in Zechariah 13-14 we (who believe now) have the Holy Spirit of LIFE within us NOW.
I know you believe this, but am writing these things to avoid confusing our readers.
God bless
I agree with almost everything you have said apart from one point. The New Covenant WAS (as you say) primarily directed towards Israel, but remember Paul wrote that the gentiles have been grafted in and share in the blessings.
Paul wrote "the law of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the Law of sin and death". He was applying this to himself and the gentiles within the Roman church.
The New Covenant contains the "Law written on our hearts". We (as gentile believers) ARE experiencing this law in our hearts, ie "the law of the spirit of life" and we DO and CAN know the Lord. "For all shall know Him".
So, whilst I agree the final outworking of this will happen for Israel as indicated in Zechariah 13-14 we (who believe now) have the Holy Spirit of LIFE within us NOW.
I know you believe this, but am writing these things to avoid confusing our readers.
God bless
RomaLynn said...
Act 1:6 When they therefore were come together,
they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the
kingdom to Israel?
Act 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
Act 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Act 1:9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
Act 1:10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
Act 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Act 1:12 Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey.
When the disciples asked this question, Jesus did not correct them. And if we read we find that Jesus had opened their minds to understand the scriptures:
Luk 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
This was before Jesus ascended, when he was appearing to his disciples.
Act 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
Act 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Act 1:9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
Act 1:10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
Act 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Act 1:12 Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey.
When the disciples asked this question, Jesus did not correct them. And if we read we find that Jesus had opened their minds to understand the scriptures:
Luk 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
This was before Jesus ascended, when he was appearing to his disciples.
John Chingford said...
Thanks Roma
That's right! Jesus did not deny that Israel would be restored at some point in the future. Of course He wouldn't because He knew the scriptures and all the prophecies regarding the future Kingdom Of Israel. But He indicated it was not yet because NOW was the time of the church to evangelise the World.
As Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world" and to the apostles "you are not of the world".
The Millennial reign of Christ on the Earth In Israel (the restoration of Israel)is not of the world because it will be totally of God and nothing like the way of the world.
Maybe someone could advise me, but there is a Greek word for world = cosmos which means the worldly system of things. This includes having governments controlling the world (influenced by satan) and the people governed and controlled by their sinful nature.
I would guess that Jesus is using that word when He says "my kingdom is not of this world" Am I right?
If so, Jesus is saying that when He sets up the kingdom on Earth it will be totally of Him and nothing like the satanic controlled governments of the world that we know today, and will no longer be influenced by the sinful nature's controlled public opinion.
It will be a Kingdom full of the Glory of The Lord with our minds fixed on Jesus.
Until Jesus restores the Kingdom to Israel we are in the world but not of it. Until then we are here to evangelise building the kingdom in people's hearts not on Earth and preparing ourselves as a bride until we receive the call of the groom.
For now, Jesus is preparing the kingdom in Heaven for us. When the time is ready He will call us to Himself and then the New Jerusalem (prepared by Jesus) will come down to Earth for us to live in. Hallelujah!!!
That's right! Jesus did not deny that Israel would be restored at some point in the future. Of course He wouldn't because He knew the scriptures and all the prophecies regarding the future Kingdom Of Israel. But He indicated it was not yet because NOW was the time of the church to evangelise the World.
As Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world" and to the apostles "you are not of the world".
The Millennial reign of Christ on the Earth In Israel (the restoration of Israel)is not of the world because it will be totally of God and nothing like the way of the world.
Maybe someone could advise me, but there is a Greek word for world = cosmos which means the worldly system of things. This includes having governments controlling the world (influenced by satan) and the people governed and controlled by their sinful nature.
I would guess that Jesus is using that word when He says "my kingdom is not of this world" Am I right?
If so, Jesus is saying that when He sets up the kingdom on Earth it will be totally of Him and nothing like the satanic controlled governments of the world that we know today, and will no longer be influenced by the sinful nature's controlled public opinion.
It will be a Kingdom full of the Glory of The Lord with our minds fixed on Jesus.
Until Jesus restores the Kingdom to Israel we are in the world but not of it. Until then we are here to evangelise building the kingdom in people's hearts not on Earth and preparing ourselves as a bride until we receive the call of the groom.
For now, Jesus is preparing the kingdom in Heaven for us. When the time is ready He will call us to Himself and then the New Jerusalem (prepared by Jesus) will come down to Earth for us to live in. Hallelujah!!!
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