Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Page 21
This post gives sufficient evidence to prove that Jack Hayford is
someone you should avoid at all costs. He involves himself in many many
organisations - all of which promote ecumenicalism.
Anybody who
encourages unity with the Roman church is committing adultery with the harlot
of Babylon. God takes that sort of adultery very seriously. The bible
contains many instances and demonstrations of God's anger over this form of
Here is information on the history and evidence of
Jack Hayford's involvement in heretical and ecumenical movements and his
associations with ecumenical/heretical false teachers. The article starts with
his general
background, history and beliefs and then goes on to present
the evidence of why he is a false leader.
Jack Hayford
General Teachings/Activities
Jack Hayford (born
1934) is the hyper-charismatic pastor of The Church on the Way,
The First Foursquare Church of Van Nuys, California. Hayford started the church
in 1969 with 18 people; it is now the largest Foursquare Church (Pentecostal)
in the U.S. -- about 9,000 members with weekly attendance between 8,500
and 10,000. Hayford promotes the "four-square" doctrines of Pentecostalism -- that Jesus
is Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Coming King.
He also teaches the doctrine that healing
is promised in the atonement (Charisma, June 1992). Pat Boone is an
elder in Hayford's church, and Trinity Broadcasting Network's (TBN) founders,
Paul and Jan Crouch, are members. Hayford has authored more than two dozen
books, and is also a prolific "hymn" writer, composing more than 400
popular charismatic "gospel" songs, including "Majesty"
(which promotes the charismatic "Kingdom Now" philosophy in
which Christians are thought to be able to exercise kingdom authority over
sickness and the devil in this present hour).
Hayford's teaching can be heard
nationwide through his "Living Way" radio and television ministries.
The half-hour weekday radio program was started in 1981 (originally titled,
"FreeWay") and is now heard in over 40 states and in several foreign
Foursquare was founded in 1923 by
flamboyant, twice-divorced Pentecostal female preacher Aimee Semple McPherson.
(In a 1990 sermon about McPherson's ministry, Hayford defended her on the
grounds that "she certainly should not be viewed as one who 'bounced' from
marriage to marriage," and that in his view, her ministry was validated by
the fact that "a half-century later, the devil still hates her
sufficiently to spray lying venom on her memory.")
Foursquare teaches physical
healing in the atonement, "Spirit-slaying," spiritual warfare/demon-deliverance,
tongues-speaking, signs & wonders evangelism, extra-revelatory prophecy,
etc., etc.
- Evidence abounds of Hayford's
hyper-charismatic, ecumenical, and occultic tendencies: (Reported in the
11/1/89 and 9/15/91, Calvary Contenders; and the 12/91, CIB
(a) Hayford spoke at the 1989 Billy Graham/Lausanne II
conference (with John Wimber, David Yonggi Cho, and Dick Eastman), and has appeared
at other ecumenical events such as Robert Schuller "success"
conferences. [Hayford also endorsed Schuller's 1996 autobiography -- Prayer:
My Soul's Adventure With God.]
(b) In 10/91, Hayford visited Sydney,
Australia with John Wimber (the "signs & wonders," Church Growth, Power Evangelism,
Vineyard Movement founder and leader who died in 1997) to hold a "holiness
conference" (a number of Catholic priests also spoke at the conference).
(c) In the 10/91 issue of Charisma magazine,
Hayford relates a vision of seeing Jesus seated in heaven and then rising from
the throne. Hayford states: "As the anointing caught in the folds of His
garments, it began to splash out and fall over the church." Jesus then
supposedly said, "I am beginning to rise now in preparation for my second coming.
Those who will rise with me will share in this double portion of
(d) Hayford praised Richard Foster for
his efforts in bringing together all the streams of the church. (Foster is the
head of Renovaré, an international ecumenical organization that espouses the
use of guided imagery and
visualization as means of obtaining "personal spiritual renewal.")
Charismatic Bible Ministries (CBM) was
founded in 1986 by hyper-charismatic Oral Roberts. Jack Hayford was one of the
original officers and trustees of CBM. (Others included such
hyper-charismatics as Richard Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, David Yonggi Cho,
Charles Capps, Morris Cerullo, Paul Crouch, Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Charles
and Frances Hunter, Robert Tilton, Casey Treat, John Osteen, Earl Paulk, Fred
K.C. Price, Tommy Reid, Stephen Strang, and Lester Sumrall.) CBM conducts
leadership conferences for its charismatic coalition, many of whom espouse
dominion theology tenets. CBM's slogan is "Love and Unity through Signs
and Wonders." When people look to signs and wonders to produce love and
unity, they will find themselves united with everything that appears miraculous
regardless of the source (Vengeance is Ours, pp. 125-127).
Paul Crouch, the founder of the
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), is a member in good standing at the
Hayford-pastored Church on the Way. Crouch publishes the monthly
newsletter Praise the Lord . I think it's fair to assume that
Hayford is in agreement with Crouch's theology, or else as his pastor, Hayford
would correct Crouch and discipline him if necessary. The following are quotes
from the 3/93 Praise the Lord newsletter: (All emphases in the
(a) "I love a good fight! ... who
the REAL enemy is! ... the heretic hunters [e.g., Martin Bobgan] ... searching
endlessly for some new flaw in doctrine, picking, picking, picking some new
splinter of error from the eyes ..."
(b) "... the many documented
miracles under Kathryn Kuhlman's ministry and, of course, Benny Hinn's present-day
ministry. ... if there is no power -- no healings -- no miracles in
a church or ministry, the only thing left to do is to develop a new theology to
justify their [the "heretic hunters"] pitiful, spiritually barren
lives and ministry!" [Kuhlman was one of the first of many "stage
show healers," in effect, blazing the trail for the Benny Hinn's and Oral
Roberts of today.]
(c) "If miracles really did cease at
90 A.D. ... the heretic hunters were right! If we are not 'little Gods,' we
will apologize to you in front of ten thousand times ten thousand before the
Crystal Sea!" [Hayford has taught the "little gods" heresy
himself, specifically in a message first recorded in 1979 (titled
"Marching Against Mammon") and rebroadcast on a on a 10/2/86 Living
Way radio program.]
(d) "A host of evil spirits ...
responsible for much, if not most, of the personal difficulties, spiritual
pressures and aggravated forms of evil that characterize our modern social
order. ... this constant and fiendish disruption of the human social order is
explained only by the mass activity behind the scenes of a vast, well organized
host of wicked spirits under the control of their master prince. ... When will
YOU take back everything Satan has stolen from you by bluff, bluster,
lying and deceit? ... Say it with me -- 'Satan, I bind YOUR EVIL WORKS
in Jesus' name.' Say it with me, 'I claim my healing, in Jesus' name; I take
back what is mine, in Jesus' name!'" ["Name-It-and-Claim-It"/demon-deliverance].
(e) "If and when we finally lay
down these petty doctrinal and traditional differences and JOIN
TOGETHERas an awesome UNITED body and force, all hell will
finally retreat into the abyss, and, together, we will bring back the king! ... When will
we realize that the enforcement of Christ's Victory is UP
TO US? " [Dominion Now theology].
(f) "Some of you have, indeed,
grasped this truth and victory -- Glory! Some of you have repossessed your
rightful ownership and possessions. ... Praise the Lord, David's God is
teaching our hands to war too! Soon our enemy will be destroyed! Soon our enemy
will have to yield even his remaining strongholds. Together, we are:
'Destroying the works of the Devil' -- just as Jesus commanded us to do."
[Charismatic spiritual
Hayford is an endorser/participant in
the National Evangelistic Census (NEC), a Kingwood, Texas
charismatic/ecumenical ministry to "turn the nation back to God by winning
our city to Jesus." NEC sponsors an annual one day
"census"/global neighborhood survey where teams of two go
door-to-door asking questions from a form and presenting the
"gospel"; an NEC brochure predicts: "The angels in heaven will
be shouting when the goal of 25 million souls are reported won to Jesus in one
day!" (Among other endorsers are the
Evangelical Free Church of America, Youth With a Mission, Campus Crusade for
Christ, and A.D. 2000 & Beyond Movement, as well as charismatic-loonies
John Osteen, John Hagee, Charles and Frances Hunter, Frederick K.C. Price,
Morris Cerullo, Marilyn Hickey, Dick Eastman, and Richard Roberts.)
Campus Crusade founder Bill
Bright fasted 40 days during the summer of 1994, during which he claims to have
received a "prophecy from God" that a mighty revival is coming. He
then issued a call for hundreds of liberals, charismatics, and new-evangelicals
to gather in Orlando 12/5/94-12/7/94 to fast and pray for revival. An
Invitation Committee made up of a hodgepodge of 72 liberals, new evangelicals,
and charismatics was formed. Included were: Robert Schuller, Charles Colson,
E.V. Hill, Jack Hayford, James Dobson, W.A. Criswell,
Charles Stanley, Paul Crouch, Luis Palau, Bill Gothard, Pat Robertson, Kay
Arthur, and Larry Burkett. CCC's Bill Bright cites "a great sense of
urgency to link arms and unitedly call upon God for help in the spirit of King
Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 20)."
This ecumenical "linking" is
in the "spirit of Jehoshaphat" indeed, but the Jehoshaphat of 2 Chr.
18 (instead of 2 Chr. 20) where he "linked" with wicked King Ahab and
incurred the wrath of God. (Reported in the 11/15/94, Calvary Contender.)
[Another three-day "Fasting & Prayer" conference was held in
11/95 in Los Angeles; it attracted 3,500 "evangelicals" and
charismatics. The Invitation/Host Committee for this event included most of
those listed above, plus Dick Eastman, Chuck Smith, Bill McCartney (Promise
Keepers), Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Shirley Dobson, Paul Cedar (E-Free), Ted
Engstrom (World Vision), Joseph Stowell (Moody), and Joseph Aldrich
(Multnomah). A third conference was held 11/14/96-11/16/96 in St. Louis. New
additions to the Host Committee included Max Lucado, Henry Blackaby, Loren
Cunningham (YWAM), Greg Laurie, Dennis Rainey, Randy Phillips (Promise Keepers),
Josh McDowell, D. James Kennedy, Howard Hendricks, and Neil Anderson.
Conferences were also held in 1997 and 1998.]
Eugene Peterson's The
Message has swept into Christian bookstores, homes, and
churches from coast to coast. In the first four months after its mid-July, 1993
release, 100,000 copies of this "New Testament in contemporary
English" were printed by NavPress and 70,000 books were sold. Apparently,
most readers were delighted: "The Message is so good it leaves
me breathless," wrote popular New Age author Madeleine L'Engle in her
endorsement. Jack Hayford has also endorsed The
Message: "The Message is certainly destined to become a
devotional classic, not to mention a powerful pastoral tool."
But The Message teaches
a different gospel and a different morality than the Bible (as well as a
worldly/warm fuzzy view of life)! For example, The Message translates
Jesus' statement in John 14:28, "The Father is the goal and purpose of my
life," versus the Bible's "... The Father is greater than I." In
l Cor. 6:18-20, the words "sexual immorality" are deleted and the
words "avoids commitment and intimacy" are added. (One could conclude
that now "commitment and intimacy," not marriage, set the boundaries
for acceptable sex.) In Rom. 1:26-27, the words "God gave them over
..." are deleted and words that qualify homosexuality are added (a loophole
is provided for committed homosexuals who "love" each other; thus
lust becomes the sin, not the choosing of a same-sex partner). There are
hundreds of examples like these in The Message.
Peterson himself, in his introduction
to The Message, says, "This version of the New Testament in a
contemporary idiom keeps the language of The Message current
and fresh and understandable in the same language in which we do our shopping,
talk with our friends, worry about world affairs, and teach our children their
table manners ..." This all sounds like an excuse for
"dumbing-down" Scripture to match our culture's downward trends.
Should we then rewrite God's holy Scriptures to fit our more shallow and
worldly communications? And what does it say about a man like Jack Hayford when
he endorses it as an authentic translation of the Bible rather than as
Peterson's personal, politically correct interpretation? (Also endorsing The
Message were Warren Wiersbe and J.I. Packer.) [Adapted from
"What Kind of Message
is THE MESSAGE, an article by Berit Kjos.]
In the Foursquare World Advance magazine
of Jan-Feb '94, when asked why he was among a group of evangelical Christian
"leaders" who met with President Clinton on 10/18/93 at a private
breakfast in the White House (since Clinton is pro-abortion and
pro-homosexual), Hayford said he respects the office of the presidency and
"Finally, I believe in the power of presence. Just my being there would
leave a deposit of some sort."
He also said he has "deep
love" for Clinton as "a human being," and views Clinton as
"a personable, devoted public servant." Indeed! And it's what Clinton
is devoted to that should be denounced by all real Christians. [Among the other
attendees with Hayford were social radical and pantheistTony Campolo, church growth
movement guru and psychologizer Bill Hybels (who stayed overnight
at the White House and helped Clinton set the agenda), and the psychologized
president of Taylor University Jay Kesler.] (Reported in the 4/94, Lofton
Letter .) [Later, in a congregational report, Hayford expressed his
conviction regarding the "clarity of President Clinton's commitment to
Jesus Christ," and said he was convinced that Clinton was indeed a
believer! (6/20/94,Christian News).]
Hayford spoke for Renovaré at its 1991
Los Angeles Conference -- Renovaré is an international, New Age, ecumenical
organization that emanates from the religious traditions of Quakerism, whose
message is that today's Church is missing out on some wonderful spiritual
experiences that can only be found by studying and practicing the
"meditative" and "contemplative" lifestyle "of early
Christianity." In actuality, Renovaré espouses the use of the early pagan
traditions of guided imagery and visualization, astral projection,
"Zen" prayer techniques for meditation (i.e., Buddhism), and Jungian
psychology (i.e., a blend of Eastern mysticism and Roman Catholic mystical
spiritual tradition, which nicely fits the New Age model), all as means of
obtaining "personal spiritual renewal" in the lives of believers.
(For a more detailed analysis of Renovaré and the teachings of its
co-directors, psychologist Richard Foster and William Vaswig, see Media
Spotlight's Special Report of March, 1992: "Renovaré: Taking Leave of
One's Senses.")
Promise Keepers is the gigantic
new (1991) "men's movement" among professing evangelical Christians.
Its roots are Catholic and charismatic to the core. PK's contradictory stand on
homosexuality; its promotion of secular psychology; its unscriptural feminizing
of men; its depiction of Jesus as a "phallic messiah" tempted to
perform homosexual acts; and its ecumenical and unbiblical teachings should
dissuade any true Christian from participating. Promise Keepers is proving to
be one of the most ungodly and misleading movements in the annals of Christian
history. Nevertheless, Hayford is a promoter of this
ecumenical, charismatic, psychologized men's movement. Hayford is on PK's board
of directors and has spoken at major events for Promise Keepers every year
since PK's inception. (He also patterns the men's program at The Church On The
Way after the PK model.) On 5/14/94, Hayford spoke at a regional Promise
Keepers conference in Anaheim, California. During his message, Hayford gave
three reasons why God required circumcision in the Old Testament:
"[1] God wants to touch your very
identity as a man;
[2] He wants to reach out and touch
your secret and private parts. This enables Him to better perform surgery on
the heart;
[3] God wants to touch man's creative
parts. This represents the idea that since God has touched our creative parts,
we as God's people need to be creative in our witnessing to others."
Hayford also spoke at the PK "1996
National Clergy Conference" (2/13/96-2/15/96) in Atlanta's Georgia Dome
stadium. The theme for the conference was "Fan the Flame," because
McCartney (PK's founder) believes "God wants to bring revival to His
church through its clergy" (2/26/96, Christian News, p. 10).
The purpose of this gathering,
according to McCartney, was to "tear the hearts of pastors wide open so
that a single leadership can be produced." He had hoped to "bring
as many as 100,000 ministers and priests of all races
together" (7/1/95, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, p. C8).
[Actual attendance was 38,914, which represented all 50 states and more than a
dozen foreign countries; 600 in attendance were Roman Catholic priests!] At the
beginning of the conference, Hayford was speaking and trying to influence
everyone to "dance in the Lord," Hayford said he learned the
dance in Africa, and later the Lord spoke to him directly saying, "May I
have this dance?" He then began doing an African folkdance around the
podium, suggestive of the dances associated with heathen witch-doctoring.
Hayford's psychological teachings are
less chronicled than his charismatic doctrines, but they nevertheless are
prominent. Hayford is a frequent guest on Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the
Family radio program, and he endorses many of the newly published books by
"Christian" psychologists as they come to market.
In the Church on the Way's Mission
Statement, Hayford espouses the following about tongues-speaking and spiritual
warfare (from the Living Way Ministries Internet web site -- 8/6/96):
(a) "Vitality of the Spiritual
Language -- The biblical exercise of Holy Spirit enabled supernatural utterance
isvital for prayer, praise, intercession, and edification and is
a desirable and an available resource for
every believer." (Emphasis added.) [Hayford offers to sell the book The
Beauty of Spiritual Language, and a 2-tape cassette album titled "The
Holy Spirit: The Great Psychiatrist"!]
(b) "Committed to Spiritual
Warfare -- The reality of the invisible realm of spiritual conflict demands biblical
confrontation through prayer and ministry with discernment and love; that the
triumph of Calvary is not minimized, but applied by such
means." (Emphasis added.) [Hayford offers to sell the book Prayer
is Invading the Impossible, and a 2-tape cassette album titled
"Resisting the Devil."]
In endorsing ecumenical
evangelist Luis Palau's 1991 book Say
Yes!, Hayford says: "There are many practical reasons for supporting
the ministry of Luis Palau: his fidelity to the truth, his constancy of passion
for the lost, and his integrity in personal life ... the evidence of God's
sovereign choice to anoint and use this man mightily at this crucial juncture
in church history." (Palau is a Catholic sympathizer whose ecumenical
message is heavily diluted with pop psychology and Arminian easy-believism --
hardly God's "sovereign choice.") [Hayford has also taken part with
Palau in the annual ecumenical/charismatic/ Catholic-accommodating March
For Jesus campaigns.]
Hayford has endorsed
Catholic-sympathizer Chuck Colson's book, The
Body: Being Light in Darkness (which is also endorsed by Jerry Falwell, J.I. Packer, Pat Robertson, Bill Hybels, Carl
Henry, and Cardinal O'Connor). Colson, ever ecumenical, praises the Catholic
chain of command, and includes the Catholic Church as a part of the body of
Christ. He also says, "the body of Christ, in all its diversity, is
created with Baptist feet, charismatic hands, and Catholic ears -- Fall with
their eyes on Jesus." In blindly praising the Roman Catholic church Colson
says it, "to its great credit, does call heretics to account." Indeed
she does, having burned more than a million at the stake! (4/93, Berean
Hayford also writes: "Redeeming
worship centers on the Lord's Table. Whether your tradition celebrates it as
Communion, Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord's Supper, we are all called
to this centerpiece of Christian worship" (Seven Promises of a Promise
Keeper, p. 19). Historically, the Roman Catholic mass has been
recognized by Bible believers as blatant blasphemy, Yet, today, Hayford teaches
that this false view of Christian worship is approved by God and proper
for allChristians to accept.
Almost all of the major apostate
religious organizations (including a large Roman Catholic contingent) had
representatives/participants at Orlando '95 (North American [charismatic]
Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization.) A Catholic bishop led
one session. There was also conga-style aisle-dancing by the Haitian Catholics
during the evening worship sessions. Others "praised God" by dancing
around the convention center waving open umbrellas, signifying that the
invisible rain of the Holy Spirit was falling. Of the 8,000 attending, over
half were charismatic Catholics. The 10/95 Charisma said,
"Charismatics abandoned their theological differences ... at least for
four days. ... Today millions of Catholics, including Pope John Paul II's
personal preacher ... have joined ranks with charismatics." A Catholic priest
added, "This is the greatest ecumenical movement in the Christian
church." Some of the hyper-charismatic teachers at Orlando '95 were Pat
Robertson, Benny Hinn, Jack Hayford, Marilyn Hickey, and Paul
Hayford also has a strange idea of what
constitutes true worship of God (although not strange by
charismatic standards):
"Let Holy Spirit-filled worship be
a blend of our highest thoughts and our deepest feelings so
that the goal of true worship be reached: the reshaping
of our lives." (Emphases added.)
Wrong! The goal of worship is not the
reshaping of our lives. True worship focuses on God, the object of worship, as
worthy of all glory and honor and power and obedience for Who He is, regardless
of what we are. If we were perfect in every way we would still be unworthy of
Him. It is not worship, but Scripture which is useful for reshaping our
lives (2 Tim. 3:16-17). For Hayford and others of the charismatic ilk,
Scripture is fast giving way to experience as the standard upon which to base
belief. Nowhere in Scripture are we told that the goal of worship is the
reshaping of our lives. That is just self-centeredness. [Source:
Comments/Essays in The Answer To Happiness, Health, and Fulfillment in
Life: The Holy Bible (with Selected Writings by Leading Inspirational
Authors.] [Comments excerpted/adapted from Media Spotlight, Vol. 14
(1993), No. 1.]
Rave is a dance movement from Europe in which teens take designer
drugs, use virtual-reality devices, and dance (usually alone) away the night
and early mornings hours to repetitive techno-pop dance music. Often there is
no lighting except for strobes and lasers. "Christian" rave parties
have been adopted by several youth ministries worldwide. In April of 1997,
Hayford's Church on the Way sponsored its second rave concert.
Page 21
This post gives sufficient evidence to prove that Jack Hayford is
someone you should avoid at all costs. He involves himself in many many
organisations - all of which promote ecumenicalism.
Anybody who
encourages unity with the Roman church is committing adultery with the harlot
of Babylon. God takes that sort of adultery very seriously. The bible
contains many instances and demonstrations of God's anger over this form of
Here is information on the history and evidence of Jack Hayford's involvement in heretical and ecumenical movements and his associations with ecumenical/heretical false teachers. The article starts with his general
background, history and beliefs and then goes on to present
the evidence of why he is a false leader.Here is information on the history and evidence of Jack Hayford's involvement in heretical and ecumenical movements and his associations with ecumenical/heretical false teachers. The article starts with his general
Jack Hayford
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