Saturday, 2 April 2011
Page 82
Edited 3rd April 2011 and 2nd August
Just a brief note to say that I am working with a few individuals on the whole question of how to provide proper fellowship in the LAST DAYS for those who want to escape the increasing apostate unscriptural corruption within their churches.
Many JUST REMAIN within these churches because they cannot find anything better or the sort of biblical fellowship they crave.
We are putting together a team of like-minded believers who want to solve the problem, exploring ideas, methods etc to create an International network of fellowships suitable for fundamental biblical born again, Spirit filled, humble Christians to have proper fellowship together and be able to edify one another in the faith.
As we see the DAY approaching speedily with all the persecution that this brings, we VERY MUCH need to be prepared for this and therefore
need to belong to strong biblical fellowships.
Edited Section 3rd April 2011
As a starting point, we have opened up a forum Last Days Bible Inspired Christian Fellowship and would value your contributions and commitment to this venture. We are NOT starting a new denomination but hope to be a tool in helping like-minded Christians to develop their own autonomous fellowships.
Edited Section 2nd August 2011
Please see the comment section. I have written a comment, today, saying that I am withdrawing from this venture and explaining why.
The following is my vision, hope and dream:
In these last days I see enlightened and discerning believers realising the apostate condition of the church, seeking out others of like mind for fellowship and encouragement, who can worship Jesus together in TRUE Spirit and Truth.
They will either leave their churches and be without fellowship or better they remain and spread the truth where they are. This will probably lead to their ex communication, anyway.
So either way, eventually, they will not have a church they can call their own.
In the meanwhile, I see these believers finding (within their churches) those who are also enlightened - maybe because of the work of those like you and me within these churches.
Next step would be for these to fellowship together within their own homes (where 2 or 3 are gathered together). This small group to invite neighbours in through their own neighbourhood door to door witnessing, maybe starting small by inviting a few for meals, using a similar idea to Alpha but with accurate biblical content.
I see autonomous groups like this spreading everywhere, but with an organisation like ours for them to fall back on, if needed, and to be helped with the resources/tools we can provide, when they need it.
I do not see domineering leadership, but those full of the Holy Spirit who are grounded in God's Word to oversee and instruct others so that they can become grounded also, so that when the small group gets too large these new "elders" can lead those groups.
Of course, the Holy Spirit may well direct in this way without our help, but we are there (like Paul in his letters) to oversee that false teaching does not creep in and help sort out situations which might arise.
The lessons learnt from the ecumenical restoration movement and heavy shepherding should be taken seriously so that this does not happen again. The house church movement was corrupt because its foundations were faulty, but having a house church movement, in itself, is not wrong and is scriptural. As long as the house Church is ALWAYS grounded on the Word Of God and not seeking after experiences, but seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as revealed through the scriptures, then I believe house groups is the way to go.
Just a brief note to say that I am working with a few individuals on the whole question of how to provide proper fellowship in the LAST DAYS for those who want to escape the increasing apostate unscriptural corruption within their churches.
Many JUST REMAIN within these churches because they cannot find anything better or the sort of biblical fellowship they crave.
We are putting together a team of like-minded believers who want to solve the problem, exploring ideas, methods etc to create an International network of fellowships suitable for fundamental biblical born again, Spirit filled, humble Christians to have proper fellowship together and be able to edify one another in the faith.
As we see the DAY approaching speedily with all the persecution that this brings, we VERY MUCH need to be prepared for this and therefore
need to belong to strong biblical fellowships.
Edited Section 3rd April 2011
As a starting point, we have opened up a forum Last Days Bible Inspired Christian Fellowship and would value your contributions and commitment to this venture. We are NOT starting a new denomination but hope to be a tool in helping like-minded Christians to develop their own autonomous fellowships.
Edited Section 2nd August 2011
Please see the comment section. I have written a comment, today, saying that I am withdrawing from this venture and explaining why.
The following is my vision, hope and dream:
In these last days I see enlightened and discerning believers realising the apostate condition of the church, seeking out others of like mind for fellowship and encouragement, who can worship Jesus together in TRUE Spirit and Truth.
They will either leave their churches and be without fellowship or better they remain and spread the truth where they are. This will probably lead to their ex communication, anyway.
So either way, eventually, they will not have a church they can call their own.
In the meanwhile, I see these believers finding (within their churches) those who are also enlightened - maybe because of the work of those like you and me within these churches.
Next step would be for these to fellowship together within their own homes (where 2 or 3 are gathered together). This small group to invite neighbours in through their own neighbourhood door to door witnessing, maybe starting small by inviting a few for meals, using a similar idea to Alpha but with accurate biblical content.
I see autonomous groups like this spreading everywhere, but with an organisation like ours for them to fall back on, if needed, and to be helped with the resources/tools we can provide, when they need it.
I do not see domineering leadership, but those full of the Holy Spirit who are grounded in God's Word to oversee and instruct others so that they can become grounded also, so that when the small group gets too large these new "elders" can lead those groups.
Of course, the Holy Spirit may well direct in this way without our help, but we are there (like Paul in his letters) to oversee that false teaching does not creep in and help sort out situations which might arise.
The lessons learnt from the ecumenical restoration movement and heavy shepherding should be taken seriously so that this does not happen again. The house church movement was corrupt because its foundations were faulty, but having a house church movement, in itself, is not wrong and is scriptural. As long as the house Church is ALWAYS grounded on the Word Of God and not seeking after experiences, but seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as revealed through the scriptures, then I believe house groups is the way to go.
John Chingford said...
This is my vision, hope and dream:
In these last days I see enlightened and discerning believers realising the apostate condition of the church, seeking out others of like mind for fellowship and encouragement, who can worship Jesus together in TRUE Spirit and Truth.
They will either leave their churches and be without fellowship or better they remain and spread the truth where they are. This will probably lead to their ex communication, anyway.
So either way, eventually, they will not have a church they can call their own.
In the meanwhile, I see these believers finding (within their churches) those who are also enlightened - maybe because of the work of those like you and me within these churches.
Next step would be for these to fellowship together within their own homes (where 2 or 3 are gathered together). This small group to invite neighbours in through their own neighbourhood door to door witnessing, maybe starting small by inviting a few for meals, using a similar idea to Alpha but with accurate biblical content.
I see autonomous groups like this spreading everywhere, but with an organisation like ours for them to fall back on, if needed, and to be helped with the resources/tools we can provide, when they need it.
I do not see domineering leadership, but those full of the Holy Spirit who are grounded in God's Word to oversee and instruct others so that they can become grounded also, so that when the small group gets too large these new "elders" can lead those groups.
Of course, the Holy Spirit may well direct in this way without our help, but we are there (like Paul in his letters) to oversee that false teaching does not creep in and help sort out situations which might arise.
The lessons learnt from the ecumenical restoration movement and heavy shepherding should be taken seriously so that this does not happen again. The house church movement was corrupt because its foundations were faulty, but having a house church movement, in itself, is not wrong and is scriptural. As long as the house Church is ALWAYS grounded on the Word Of God and not seeking after experiences, but seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as revealed through the scriptures, then I believe house groups is the way to go.
In these last days I see enlightened and discerning believers realising the apostate condition of the church, seeking out others of like mind for fellowship and encouragement, who can worship Jesus together in TRUE Spirit and Truth.
They will either leave their churches and be without fellowship or better they remain and spread the truth where they are. This will probably lead to their ex communication, anyway.
So either way, eventually, they will not have a church they can call their own.
In the meanwhile, I see these believers finding (within their churches) those who are also enlightened - maybe because of the work of those like you and me within these churches.
Next step would be for these to fellowship together within their own homes (where 2 or 3 are gathered together). This small group to invite neighbours in through their own neighbourhood door to door witnessing, maybe starting small by inviting a few for meals, using a similar idea to Alpha but with accurate biblical content.
I see autonomous groups like this spreading everywhere, but with an organisation like ours for them to fall back on, if needed, and to be helped with the resources/tools we can provide, when they need it.
I do not see domineering leadership, but those full of the Holy Spirit who are grounded in God's Word to oversee and instruct others so that they can become grounded also, so that when the small group gets too large these new "elders" can lead those groups.
Of course, the Holy Spirit may well direct in this way without our help, but we are there (like Paul in his letters) to oversee that false teaching does not creep in and help sort out situations which might arise.
The lessons learnt from the ecumenical restoration movement and heavy shepherding should be taken seriously so that this does not happen again. The house church movement was corrupt because its foundations were faulty, but having a house church movement, in itself, is not wrong and is scriptural. As long as the house Church is ALWAYS grounded on the Word Of God and not seeking after experiences, but seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as revealed through the scriptures, then I believe house groups is the way to go.
Anonymous said...
this is a good idea i wish this would happen in the
area i live! do you know when this might happen?
John Chingford said...
Hi Anonymous
I cannot tell how long it will take. The more responses and helpers we get, the faster we can move. If you (and others) are interested in joining us in this task, please contact me privately to my email address:
We would like to build up a register of those who could set up home fellowships within their own locations.
As stated on my earlier comment it needs to start with individual discerning believers (like you) who build personal relationships (within their present churches) with other discerning believers (who can see through the deceptions within our church leaderships) inviting them within your houses.
I am not encouraging cliques (as such) but encouraging individuals to find like-minded brethren who they can have SOLID fellowship with. True Church leaders would encourage you to do this, but false leaders will hate you and accuse you of being divisive etc. However, for the sake of true believers spiritual health, this needs to be done.
For all readers: are you willing to be put on our register, so that we can get this thing started?
For security reasons, you do not need to give your real name or address. All we require is a unique user name (with email address) and your general location. Reason: so that we can link up others with your location.
Please do not give that information on this blog but send it to my email address above
I cannot tell how long it will take. The more responses and helpers we get, the faster we can move. If you (and others) are interested in joining us in this task, please contact me privately to my email address:
We would like to build up a register of those who could set up home fellowships within their own locations.
As stated on my earlier comment it needs to start with individual discerning believers (like you) who build personal relationships (within their present churches) with other discerning believers (who can see through the deceptions within our church leaderships) inviting them within your houses.
I am not encouraging cliques (as such) but encouraging individuals to find like-minded brethren who they can have SOLID fellowship with. True Church leaders would encourage you to do this, but false leaders will hate you and accuse you of being divisive etc. However, for the sake of true believers spiritual health, this needs to be done.
For all readers: are you willing to be put on our register, so that we can get this thing started?
For security reasons, you do not need to give your real name or address. All we require is a unique user name (with email address) and your general location. Reason: so that we can link up others with your location.
Please do not give that information on this blog but send it to my email address above
D said...
Great thoughts here, in fact, this has already
begun to happen in some places... I totally agree that such types of gatherings
will more and more become the only available means of meeting with true
John Chingford said...
I am now withdrawing my participation in this as it
does not seem to be going down the type of path I could support. Although I
still have the passion and seek real biblical Christian fellowship, I now
realise that it will not happen via THIS vehicle.
My main concern is that the leaders seem to lean towards ecumenism and replacementism (which was not apparent when I first started communicating with them).
Those two areas are maybe my two biggest bugbears, so feel I cannot be in one united purpose with them if they lead this fellowship down that path.
My main concern is that the leaders seem to lean towards ecumenism and replacementism (which was not apparent when I first started communicating with them).
Those two areas are maybe my two biggest bugbears, so feel I cannot be in one united purpose with them if they lead this fellowship down that path.
John Chingford said...
The last 2 comments (which used to appear) have now
been deleted. Remember, I mentioned a group which had left a comment and that I
had written to them.
Well.... they have now replied to me, saying that they were not responsible for writing any comments. They asked me to delete the comments.
Well.... they have now replied to me, saying that they were not responsible for writing any comments. They asked me to delete the comments.
Anonymous said...
I pray that the true believers in Christ will begin
to move back to God and His Word in these last days. I and my wife have been
out of church for over 10 years because of the un-Biblical teachings in the
church. We are currently studying the Bible on our own and God is helping us to
get closer to Him in prayer. I am retired and am praying for the church. One
thing is for sure, the more I read His Word, the more I realize how sinful I am
and how much I need Him. We miss the real fellowship of real believers. These
years have been lonely.
Anonymous said...
Has this plan now been aborted altogether?
If you know any like minded Christians in the Newport area of South Wales, I would be very interested to contact them.
Many Thanks,
God Bless.
If you know any like minded Christians in the Newport area of South Wales, I would be very interested to contact them.
Many Thanks,
God Bless.
John Chingford said...
Hi Anonymous
In answer to your question re connecting believers; his never took off.
I was hoping to gradually build up a register of those interested in being linked. Once I had a large enough list of interested parties in various regions, I was hoping to connect believers together who were local to each other.
As I have received very little interest in this (with only about 3 or 4 who have told me they are interested) it has not yet been possible to get this off the ground.
In answer to your question re connecting believers; his never took off.
I was hoping to gradually build up a register of those interested in being linked. Once I had a large enough list of interested parties in various regions, I was hoping to connect believers together who were local to each other.
As I have received very little interest in this (with only about 3 or 4 who have told me they are interested) it has not yet been possible to get this off the ground.
John Chingford said...
My register locating like minded believers who want
to connect are as follows:
Newport South Wales
Wilmington de, Philadelphia:
Charlestown IN:
Western Missouri
As you can see, it is too small at present. However, if any readers of like mind are near to these locations, then please let me know and I will help connect you and add you to this list.
Newport South Wales
Wilmington de, Philadelphia:
Charlestown IN:
Western Missouri
As you can see, it is too small at present. However, if any readers of like mind are near to these locations, then please let me know and I will help connect you and add you to this list.
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