Friday, 2 November 2012
page 81
This report (copied from the comments section within
List Of (Probable) False Christian Leaders, False Christian Teachers and False Prophets (As Indicated By The Ecumenical or Heretical Organisations They Belong To) )
will show why the New Frontiers church movement is ecumenically joined to Rome by looking at some of its history, activities and associations. ?

Here is the history behind the New Frontiers Movement which shows why it is a dangerous group to be involved in.
Some time ago I read Terry Virgo’s blog. He did not and will not condemn false revivals like Todd Bentley’s so called Lakeland Revivals. Of course he wouldn’t because New Frontiers are actually on the frontline of these “experiential” revivals like Toronto.
New Frontiers are attached to/are supporters of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) who "organised"
that false satanic event. NAR were previously known under various names including "Latter Rain". New Frontiers are co-workers with NAR.
This is a video of Chuck Pierce of New Apostolic Reformation, who works alongside C Peter Wagner.
This video illustrates how weird the NAR are becoming. It sounds so demonic.
Here is an excerpt (written before the Lakeland revival) regarding New Frontiers, to prove the point about them from:
“Branching out from their former isolation and tight doctrines, they have become ecumenistic, almost liberal, and are networking with every church group imaginable. The restoration fellowships, together with Elim Pentecostal fellowships, were in the forefront of the Toronto, Promise Keepers and Pensacola controversies, just as they had promoted the Kansas City Prophets earlier on.
Restoration teachings are responsible for infecting almost every branch of British church life, and their goal of full visible unity seems to draw nearer every year, as successive churches succumb to their influence.”
This link:
also gives the full history background behind the New Frontiers movement.
As I (myself) got drawn into them during the 1980′s and 1990′s I DO know that these things are TRUE. However, for now, let me start by asking some questions:
Does New Frontiers support any of the following:
Latter Rain,Manifest Sons Of God,Word of Faith, Shepherding Movement,Spring Harvest, New Breed, Joel’s Army, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Third Wave Movement, Vineyard, Toronto Blessing, Pensacola and Lakeland Revivals, Alpha, TBN, Seeker Friendly, Purpose Driven, Emerging Church, HillSong, Promise-Keepers, Renovaré,Elijah List (list of prophetic Ministries), Manhattan Declaration, Westminster 2010 Declaration, THE MESSAGE, Lausanne Movement, International Apostolic Council (IAC), International Coalition of Apostles (ICA)
Actually New Frontiers DOES support/associate with most (if not all) of these.
All of these are ecumenical (ie links with Rome) and some of them have incorporated new age practices. If anyone or any group are joined to any of these, they are also part of the ecumenical train because these have all been infected by Rome.
Did you know that the history behind the restoration movements came out of the Latter rain movement and was heavily inluenced by the shepherding movement and the Lauderdale 5.
In the 1960′s we had Vatican II ecumenical resolution. From this time onwards, the Vatican have been seeking ways to get protestants back into their fold and have used any means.
1971 The first international charismatic conference held in Guildford in 1971 was described by some as the “Coming of Age of The Renewal” yet it was attended by 40 Lutherans and 30 Roman Catholics and one of the main speakers was Kevin Ranaghan. “Mr Pentecost” David Du Plessis was also there.
In 1972, Cardinal Suenens became intimately involved in the Renewal and introduced it to the Catholic Charismatic movement
In 1974 Martin and Clark teamed up with the ‘Fort Lauderdale Five’ (Bob Mumford, Charles Simpson, Derek Prince, Don Basham & Ern Baxter – former secretary to William Branham), who were the founders of the Shepherding Movement, which later became known as the Charismatic Movement (yes, friends, the Shepherding came first!).
They were joined by John Poole, another latter Rain adherent. Together these men established a group for ecumenical renewal.
A council was elected whose existence was kept secret as it was not acceptable at the time for Protestants to ‘labour in the Gospel’ with Catholics.
For the fledgling Shepherding Movement the money and power of the Vatican were attractive: for Martin and Clark it was a golden opportunity to begin implementing the ecumenical and Charismatic aspirations of Vatican II.
If you look at the history (which I have already dealt with on this blog) of Latter Rain you will see that Latter Rain (from whence New Frontiers emerged) has occultic origins.
It was said that New Frontiers is separate from Restoration churches. However, it is easier to get out of the restoration movement than it is to get the restoration movement out of New Frontiers.
Terry Virgo is still heavily influenced by his background and shows this by leading New Frontiers down the same path as the Latter Rain, Joels Army, Manifest Sons of God, New Breed, New Apostolic Reformation, Promise Keepers are following. No wonder NF follow the false revivals.
If I am wrong, please prove it to me. I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong, but the evidence is overwhelming that New Frontiers leadership are influencing the churches to become ecumenical and encouraging everyone to follow the new paradigm of experiences in place of and above what the Bible teaches.
For example C Peter Wagner teaches that new revelation is just as important as revealed Biblical Truth and that “the end justifies the means”. Where does the Bible say that? In fact the Bible teaches the opposite. So deception and using occultic practices is okay if it produces decisions for Christ? NO WAY!
C Peter Wagner has got his fingers in countless pies and seems to be one of the greatest influences of the evangelical and charismatic churches becoming ecumenical in our day.
Quite honestly, the New Frontiers (born out of the restoration movement) has a very questionable foundation and DEFINITELY associates with “so called” charismatic catholics. They are still Catholics and choose to be attached to Rome (even if they are charismatic) and still part of the Vatican II resolution to bring about the unifying of evangelical churches to Rome. If anyone or any group associates with Rome (in any way) they are ecumenical.
Edited 3rd Nov 2012
Some Say That Most New Frontiers Leaders Are Actually Opposed To Ecumenism
Is it true that these leaders are opposed to uniting with the Catholic church? The evidence would suggest (in reality) that they are not opposed and DO actually work tirelessly in the shadows towards unity with Rome. What they say and what they do don't match up. It reminds me of the instructions given to junior Jesuits before they take the Jesuit oath:
List Of (Probable) False Christian Leaders, False Christian Teachers and False Prophets (As Indicated By The Ecumenical or Heretical Organisations They Belong To) )
will show why the New Frontiers church movement is ecumenically joined to Rome by looking at some of its history, activities and associations. ?
Here is the history behind the New Frontiers Movement which shows why it is a dangerous group to be involved in.
Some time ago I read Terry Virgo’s blog. He did not and will not condemn false revivals like Todd Bentley’s so called Lakeland Revivals. Of course he wouldn’t because New Frontiers are actually on the frontline of these “experiential” revivals like Toronto.
New Frontiers are attached to/are supporters of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) who "organised"
that false satanic event. NAR were previously known under various names including "Latter Rain". New Frontiers are co-workers with NAR.
This is a video of Chuck Pierce of New Apostolic Reformation, who works alongside C Peter Wagner.
This video illustrates how weird the NAR are becoming. It sounds so demonic.
Here is an excerpt (written before the Lakeland revival) regarding New Frontiers, to prove the point about them from:
“Branching out from their former isolation and tight doctrines, they have become ecumenistic, almost liberal, and are networking with every church group imaginable. The restoration fellowships, together with Elim Pentecostal fellowships, were in the forefront of the Toronto, Promise Keepers and Pensacola controversies, just as they had promoted the Kansas City Prophets earlier on.
Restoration teachings are responsible for infecting almost every branch of British church life, and their goal of full visible unity seems to draw nearer every year, as successive churches succumb to their influence.”
This link:
also gives the full history background behind the New Frontiers movement.
As I (myself) got drawn into them during the 1980′s and 1990′s I DO know that these things are TRUE. However, for now, let me start by asking some questions:
Does New Frontiers support any of the following:
Latter Rain,Manifest Sons Of God,Word of Faith, Shepherding Movement,Spring Harvest, New Breed, Joel’s Army, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Third Wave Movement, Vineyard, Toronto Blessing, Pensacola and Lakeland Revivals, Alpha, TBN, Seeker Friendly, Purpose Driven, Emerging Church, HillSong, Promise-Keepers, Renovaré,Elijah List (list of prophetic Ministries), Manhattan Declaration, Westminster 2010 Declaration, THE MESSAGE, Lausanne Movement, International Apostolic Council (IAC), International Coalition of Apostles (ICA)
Actually New Frontiers DOES support/associate with most (if not all) of these.
All of these are ecumenical (ie links with Rome) and some of them have incorporated new age practices. If anyone or any group are joined to any of these, they are also part of the ecumenical train because these have all been infected by Rome.
Did you know that the history behind the restoration movements came out of the Latter rain movement and was heavily inluenced by the shepherding movement and the Lauderdale 5.
In the 1960′s we had Vatican II ecumenical resolution. From this time onwards, the Vatican have been seeking ways to get protestants back into their fold and have used any means.
1971 The first international charismatic conference held in Guildford in 1971 was described by some as the “Coming of Age of The Renewal” yet it was attended by 40 Lutherans and 30 Roman Catholics and one of the main speakers was Kevin Ranaghan. “Mr Pentecost” David Du Plessis was also there.
In 1972, Cardinal Suenens became intimately involved in the Renewal and introduced it to the Catholic Charismatic movement
In 1974 Martin and Clark teamed up with the ‘Fort Lauderdale Five’ (Bob Mumford, Charles Simpson, Derek Prince, Don Basham & Ern Baxter – former secretary to William Branham), who were the founders of the Shepherding Movement, which later became known as the Charismatic Movement (yes, friends, the Shepherding came first!).
They were joined by John Poole, another latter Rain adherent. Together these men established a group for ecumenical renewal.
A council was elected whose existence was kept secret as it was not acceptable at the time for Protestants to ‘labour in the Gospel’ with Catholics.
For the fledgling Shepherding Movement the money and power of the Vatican were attractive: for Martin and Clark it was a golden opportunity to begin implementing the ecumenical and Charismatic aspirations of Vatican II.
If you look at the history (which I have already dealt with on this blog) of Latter Rain you will see that Latter Rain (from whence New Frontiers emerged) has occultic origins.
It was said that New Frontiers is separate from Restoration churches. However, it is easier to get out of the restoration movement than it is to get the restoration movement out of New Frontiers.
Terry Virgo is still heavily influenced by his background and shows this by leading New Frontiers down the same path as the Latter Rain, Joels Army, Manifest Sons of God, New Breed, New Apostolic Reformation, Promise Keepers are following. No wonder NF follow the false revivals.
If I am wrong, please prove it to me. I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong, but the evidence is overwhelming that New Frontiers leadership are influencing the churches to become ecumenical and encouraging everyone to follow the new paradigm of experiences in place of and above what the Bible teaches.
For example C Peter Wagner teaches that new revelation is just as important as revealed Biblical Truth and that “the end justifies the means”. Where does the Bible say that? In fact the Bible teaches the opposite. So deception and using occultic practices is okay if it produces decisions for Christ? NO WAY!
C Peter Wagner has got his fingers in countless pies and seems to be one of the greatest influences of the evangelical and charismatic churches becoming ecumenical in our day.
Quite honestly, the New Frontiers (born out of the restoration movement) has a very questionable foundation and DEFINITELY associates with “so called” charismatic catholics. They are still Catholics and choose to be attached to Rome (even if they are charismatic) and still part of the Vatican II resolution to bring about the unifying of evangelical churches to Rome. If anyone or any group associates with Rome (in any way) they are ecumenical.
Edited 3rd Nov 2012
Some Say That Most New Frontiers Leaders Are Actually Opposed To Ecumenism
Is it true that these leaders are opposed to uniting with the Catholic church? The evidence would suggest (in reality) that they are not opposed and DO actually work tirelessly in the shadows towards unity with Rome. What they say and what they do don't match up. It reminds me of the instructions given to junior Jesuits before they take the Jesuit oath:
"My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler:
among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your
own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a
reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a
Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining
their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce
with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even
to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to
gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful
soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred
between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to
deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create
revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous,
cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To
take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit,
who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which
you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in
the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies
the means.
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts
and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into
the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class
and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among
the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the
judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the
Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.
You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a
neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not
yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola
in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument
and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who
has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without
the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for
your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your
former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after
Labels: Ecumenical Organisations
LIST, Ecumenical Organisations
Specific Info, False Teachers and
Prophets, Heresy Watch, Info On Specific
Ecumenical Organisations, Rise Of Apostasy
Anonymous said...
Thanks for this post. I was thinking about
attending a New Frontiers Church:but after this I will not do so, thank you for
alerting me to this deception. God bless your ministry.
Anonymous said...
I currently attend a Newfrontiers Church that
became a NF one only about 6 years ago. The elders are gradually moving things
towards the weird and constantly encourage people to speak in tongues, prophecy
(i.e. God is showing me a picture blah blah.. usually nothing relevant),
While all or some of these are not wrong there is no emphasis on reading the bible (virtually no one actually reads scripture) so when some one get "a picture" most people don't realise it is unscriptural.
No bible study, there is a mid week meeting that is more of a support group than anything else.
I am now looking for a different church.
Also in your post you have mentioned Terry VIrgo not condemning the weird, he has written books and blogs actually praising them!!
While all or some of these are not wrong there is no emphasis on reading the bible (virtually no one actually reads scripture) so when some one get "a picture" most people don't realise it is unscriptural.
No bible study, there is a mid week meeting that is more of a support group than anything else.
I am now looking for a different church.
Also in your post you have mentioned Terry VIrgo not condemning the weird, he has written books and blogs actually praising them!!
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